The Users section of the Administration view allows users to grant access to other team members or groups and manage their roles. Users with administrative privileges are divided in:

  • Dashboard administrators - capability to manage access over Dashboard functions as well as individual products functions.
  • Product administrators - capability to grant access to individual products for which they have administrative rights.

To add new users, edit their details (name, subscription, or email address), or remove them, select Manage Users in the Administration view. 

Adding a user in the IDERA Dashboard

In the IDERA Dashboard, access is granted to Windows users or groups. To add users follow these steps:

  1. Click the Add User / Group option and the Add User/Group dialog displays. 
  2. Type the name of the user you want to grant access to. You should enter a Windows user name in the following format: <domain\user>.
  3. Select User or Group in the Account Details field.
  4. Check the Do not timeout the browser session for this account check box to stay logged in. 
  5. Check the Send welcome email check box to provide new user with information about the product and URL for the IDERA Dashboard console.
  6. Type the email address where you want the user to receive alert emails.

  7. In the Product field you can select to add user to the IDERA Dashboard or a specific product like SQL Enterprise Job Manager.

  8. If you select the first option (IDERA Dashboard), in the Role field you can assign the user the Dashboard Administrator or Dashboard Guest roles.

  9. If you select the second option (SQL Enterprise Job Manager or respective product), in the Role field you can assign the user the Administrator, User, or Guest roles. 

  10. Click SAVE.

Editing a user in the IDERA Dashboard

This option allows you to edit the account name, change the email address where user receive alerts, disable his/her account, and add new permissions. To edit a user or group follow these steps:

  1. Click the Edit icon  next to the user you want to edit. 
  2. Change the necessary settings and/or click Add New Permission to grant the user access to the IDERA Dashboard or other products and assign the respective roles. 
  3. Click SAVE.

Removing a user from the IDERA Dashboard

This option allows you to remove a user from access to the IDERA Dashboard. To delete a user or group follow these steps:


  1. Select one user from the list of users, click the Remove icon (as seen above).
  2. A warning that requires a confirmation whether you want to delete the selected user or group displays.
SQL Enterprise Job Manager monitors and manages your SQL Server agent jobs. Learn more > >
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