Adding the SQLcompliance Agent Service allows the SQLcompliance Agent to communicate with the virtual SQL Server instance and the Collection Server. Complete the following procedure on each cluster node that hosts the virtual SQL Server instance, including the currently active node as well as any passive nodes in the same cluster.

By default, the SQLcompliance Agent Service is named Idera SQLcompliance Agent$VirtualServerName.

To add the SQLcompliance Agent Service:

  1. Log on to the cluster node using an administrator account.
  2. Start the Cluster Configuration Console.
  3. Click Add Service.
  4. Specify or browse to the virtual SQL Server instance you want to audit, and then click Next. This instance must be hosted by the current cluster node.
  5. Specify the name of the computer where you installed the Collection Server, and then click Next.
  6. Specify the credentials of the Windows account under which the SQLcompliance Agent Service should run, and then click Next.
  7. Specify the directory path you want to use for the default trace directory location, and then click Next. The trace directory must be located on a shared data disk for the specified virtual SQL Server instance. Specify the same directory path for each node in the cluster hosting the virtual SQL Server instance.
  8. Review the summary, and then click Finish.

SQL Compliance Manager audits all activity on your server. Learn more > >

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