The IDERA Dashboard tracks SQL Server instances, discovered and managed by different IDERA products. The Instances widget of the Administration view, allows users to view and manage registered instances.

To view coverage or remove registered instances that no longer exist in your SQL Server environment, select Manage Instances in the Administration view, and the Managed Instances window displays.

Select an instance to view its details and modify its Status.

Click Options to access the filtering options.

 You can also access the Manage Instances option from the Administration drop-down on the top right corner of the UI.


Permissions for Managing Instances

  • Dashboard Administrator - can add, edit, and remove instances from a product for all products.
  • Dashboard Guest - can have a read-only view the instances summary and detail sections for all products.
  • Product Administrator - can add, edit, and remove instances from the specific product.
  • Product Guest -can have a read-only view of instance summary and detail sections for the specific product.
  • Product User - can add, edit instances summary, and detail sections for the specific product. View of instances summary or details sections should be restricted to the specific product.

SQL Diagnostic Manager for SQL Server performance monitoring, alerting, and diagnostics for SQL Server.
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