The IDERA Dashboard hosts IDERA products that are registered with the dashboard. The Products section of the Administration tab allows users to view and manage registered products. 

Register a product

To register a product, follow these steps:

  1. Click Register a Product on the top section of the Manage Products tab.
  2. In the Register a Product to IDERA Dashboard window, fill in the required fields:
    • Product Install Location: Specify where you would like to install your product (local or remote).
    • Product Information: Specify the following product information:
      • Product: Select or enter SQLSafeRestService.
      • Display name: Specify a unique name.
      • Port: Specify the port on which the SQLSafeRestService is listening on. The default port is 9998.
    • Product Administrator Credentials: provide the following user credentials:
      • User Name: Specify the user with Dashboard Administrator privileges.
      • Password: Enter the password for the user.
  3. Click the Register button.

Keep in mind:

  • If you specifically know what would you like to filter, use the SEARCH option on the top section of this tab.
  • You can define how many products you want to view per page. Go to the bottom section of the tab and type the number of products you want to see per page.

Editing a product

To edit a product, follow these steps:

  1. Click the product from the list of available products. 
  2. In the Edit IDERA Registered Product window, you can change the location and the connection credentials.
  3. Click Save to keep changes.
    • Host: Specify the host on which the SQLSafeRestService has been installed.
    • Port: Specify the port on which the SQLSafeRestService is listening on. By default, 9292 port is set.
    • Product Administrator Credentials: provide the following user credentials:
      • User Name: Specify the user with Dashboard Administrator privileges.
      • Password: Enter the password for the user.To migrate the product to a different IDERA Dashboard, click Migrate product. In the new window, specify the following options:
  4. Click Migrate to keep changes.

Removing a product

To remove a product, follow these steps:

  1. Click the product from the list of available products. 
  2. Select Delete on the Edit IDERA Registered Product window.
  3. A window will appear asking for confirmation for the removal of the product. Click Yes to continue with the removal of the product. Click No to cancel.

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