Versions Compared


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There are several utility methods to help instantiate these instances, named of the form, createConfigurationProperty.

Implement the following code to define the getAvailableProperties method:

public Set(IConfigurationProperty> getAvailableProperties (IDatasourceIdentifier identifier)


     Set<IConfigurationProperty> results = new HashSet<IConfigurationProperty>();


     for (EVersionProperties prop : EVersionProperties.values())
          results.add (createCOnfigurationProperty (prop.getDisplayName(),,"", prop.getType(), "" ));
return results;

Because the EVersionProperties code cannot be resolved, you can add a Java enum to define the properties provided by the plugin.

Create a new file named and implement the following code:

package org.acme.versioninformation;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import com.idera.change.config.propertysource.api.ConfigurationPropertyType;
* An enumeration of version properties
public enum EVersionProperties


     PRODUCT_NAME (ConfigurationPropertyType.STRING, "Product Name")
          * @returns the JDBC metadata's information for product name
          * @throws SQLException if ther eis a JDBC error
          public String getValue (Connection connection) throws SQLException


               return connection.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName();


     PRODUCT_VERSION (ConfigurationPropertyType.STRING, "Product Version")
          * @returns the JDBC metadata's information for product version
          * @throws SQLException if there is a JDBC error
          public String getVAlue (Connection connection) throws SQLException


               return connection.getMetaData().getDAtabaseProductVersion();


     MAJOR_VERSION (ConfigurationPropertyType.NUMERIC, "Major Version")
          * @returns the JDBC metadata's information for major version
          * @throws SQLException if there is a JDBC error
          public String getValue (Connection connection) throws SQLException


               return "" + connection.getMetaData().getDataMajorVersion();
//Attributes private ConfigurationPropertyType type; private String name;
* Constructor to set entry attributes
* @param type the type
* @param name
private EVersionProperties (ConfigurationPropertyType type, String name)


     this.type = type;

... = name;
* Given a JDBC connection return the parameter's value
* @param connection the database connection
* @throws SQLException if there is a JDBC error
abstract String getValue (Connection connection) throws SQLException;
* @return the display name of the parameter
public String getDisplayName()
return name;


* @return the type of the parameter
public ConfigurationPropertyType getType()
return type;


* Finds a property of a name and returns it
* @param name the name of the property
* @return the property
public static EVersionProperties getProperty (String name)


     for (EVersionProperties p : values())
          if ( (name))


               return p;


     throw new RuntimeException (EVersionProperties.class.getName() + "not found for '" + name + "'");

In the code above, the four entries that capture from JDBC the product name, version, minor version, and major version have been added to the enumare added to the enum.

Gather results

DB Change Manager gathers results when it collects all of the properties and values for display purposes or to store in an archive. The extraction method is called when a data source is indicated in a standard, or when an archive or comparison job is run.

public Set<IConfigurationPropertyResult> extract(Set<IConfigurationProperty> properties, IDatasourceIdentifier dataSourceIdentifier)

A set of IConfigurationPropertyResult instances that correspond to the properties must be returned, and values need to be added for the properties returned from the data source, as follows:

public Set<IConfigurationPropertyResult> extract (Set<IConfigurationProperty> properties, IDatasourceIdentifier dataSourceIdentifier)
          Set<IConfigurationPropertyResult> results = new HashSet<IConfigurationPropertyResult> ();
          Connection connection = getConnection (dataSourceIdentifier);
          for (IConfigurationProperty configProp : properties)
               EVersionProperties prop = EVersionProperties.getProperty (configProp.getPropertyIdentifier());
               String value = prop.getValue (connection);
               results.add (createConfigurationPropertyResult (configProp, true, value)
     return results;
catch (SQLException sql)
     throw new RuntimeException (sql);

In the above implementation, the code creates an empty set to hold the results and then retrieves the JDBC connection to the data source. For each retrieval, the enum constant EVersionProperties on which getValue is called to retrieve each property value from JDBC metadata. Finally, createConfigurationPropertyResult is called to create the result instance.

Synchronize the job

The synchronization method returns an empty array because users cannot synchronize version information.

public List<IPropertyResultsSynchronization> sync (IDatasourceIdentifier dataSourceIdentifier,
     List<IConfigurationPropertyResult> sourcePropertyValues, List<IConfigurationPropertyResult>
     return new ArrayList<IPropertyResultsSynchronization>();

Register extensions

Once you have completed coding the plugin, register it with DB Change Manager by implementing an Eclipse extension. When the plugin is added to DB Change Manager, the extensions are registered and DB Change Manager understands that the plugin adds a new type of notification to the module.

To register extensions

  1. Open the Manifest.MF file and navigate to the Extensions tab.
  2. Click Add to register an extension.
    The New Extension dialog appears.
  3. Choose com.idera.change.config.propertysource.contribution.
  4. Click Finish, and then close the dialog.
    The extension is added to the All Extensions list.
  5. Select the (source) entry on the right-hand side of the screen, and then enter the following details:
    • display-name: JDBC Metadata version information
    • source-identifier: org.acme.jdbc.versioninformation.source
    • class: org.acme.jdbcversioninformation.JDBCVersionInformation


      The class name is used to enable DB Change Manager to instantiate the new class, while the display-name is the group under which the four JDBC metadata version properties appear.

  6. Save the file by pressing CTRL-S or by choosing File>Save from the menu.
    The class notification is complete, and DB Change Manager and Eclipse are informed about the property source. When the plugin is added to DB Change Manager, it will add your properties to configuration comparison and standard jobs.

Deploy the custom configuration plugin

To deploy the custom plugin

  1. Shut down DB Change Manager if it is running.
  2. Click File>Export.
    The Export dialog appears.
  3. Select Deployable Plugins and Fragments from the Plugin Development group, and click then Next.
  4. Select org.acme.jdbcversioninformation and ensure the target directory is the same as the DB Change Manager installation folder.
  5. Click Finish.
    The new plugin is deployed.
  6. Start DB Change Manager and create a new configuration archive job. When you select an Oracle, Sybase, or SQL Server data source, the Refinements and the Results tabs contain the four version properties you defined in the new plugin.

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