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Security Privilege
Corresponds to warning on UI / Exception in Logs: |
| |
Type of exception |
SeSecurityPrivilege | |
Cause | The |
Server Collection Account configured in the server properties and under which |
SQL Secure collector is running, does not have enough permissions in the Active Directory. | |
Solution | In order to fix this, perform the following steps: |
2. |
Look for the SQL Server collection account used to connect to audited SQL Servers and assign it the following rights: |
New Error Message | Credentials/Authentication being used to collect details from the target server does not have the required File Permissions. |
Unauthorized Access Exception.
Corresponds to warning on UI / Exception in Logs: |
Type of exception | UnauthorizedAccessException |
Cause | The path parameter specified a directory that is read-only.-or- This operation is not supported on the current platform.-or- The caller does not have the required permission. |
Example from collector logs:
Failed to get file permissions for \\MACHINE-NAME\C$\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.MSSQL16\MSSQL\Binn\Xtp\gen\include\hkengdef.h: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation.
Solution | In order to fix this, we need to go to the |
SQL Server installation directory and make sure that the user under which |
SQL Secure collector is running have enough access permissions on all the folders and files inside the installation directory(uncheck "Read Only" checkbox in the properties) and not Read-only access. | |
New Error Message | Collector tried accessing an unauthorized directory/credentials saved on the target server does not have the required permission. |
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