Versions Compared


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    • Upgrade SQL Diagnostic Manager to version 9.1 before install.

    • Install BI Manager 2.1 on a separate dashboard.

    • Upgrade the current dashboard to version 2.1.1 before install.

Adding BI Instances

  • Adding an instance fails for instances with non-default port configuration.

After adding an instance to SQL BI Manager with the required credentials for SQL Server and WMI connections, and attempting to "Test Credentials", BI Manager fails to connect with the instance and displays the following error message:

"The following error occurred while connecting to instance XXXXX: The following system error occurred: No such host is known. , with olap-connection. This prevents the collection of SSAS Cubes, Sessions & Objects"

This is caused by the application not being able to support instances with UDP (User Defined Port) configuration.

1.5 Known issues


  • SQL BI Manager 1.0 users must upgrade to 1.1 before attempting to upgrade to 1.5.
