Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Query count could return negative value in Overview page due to integer overflow.
  • The History/Trend analysis chart for the counter “Free disk space” was not rendering properly.
  • The SQL DM for MySQL Monyog API for enabling System metrics for RDS instances was not working as expected.
  • After zooming into the real-time chart, the Query column was not getting sorted.
  • History/Trend could show wrong value for some counters – mainly string based counters.
  • In case of RDS servers, rebuild of a server’s database, restarting SQL DM for MySQL or using “editserver” API could stop the collection for OS metrics.
  • When using cname for RDS servers, SQL DM for MySQL failed to enable system metrics.


  • It is now possible to get OS metrics from Amazon RDS/Aurora (but not Azure, where interface for same is disabled).
  • Added an option to generate a token in SQL DM for MySQL to be used with the SQL DM for MySQL Monyog API as an alternative to SQL DM for MySQL user and password.
  • Added an option to define a “seconds_behind_master” setting in Replication page determining if the slave should be considered in sync or not. On some environments, slave will rarely be fully in sync and in such cases, the alerting was not really useful before.
  • location on Linux can now be changed from Monyog.ini file.
  • Reintroduced the tabular view for Replication overview page. Now, the user can choose between tabular and graphical view.
  • Added an option to select the way the server selector should work in SQL DM for MySQL, i.e: same servers across all pages or different across pages.


  • Support for the ‘clear-text plugin’ (used by Oracle/MySQL LDAP authentication) and the ‘dialog plugin’ (used for MariaDB PAM authentication) was broken.
  • With RDS servers SQL DM for MySQL could fail to detect log file content and size and would display the error “No queries found” and “Unable to fetch file size”. It happened because of recent changes in the XML-response of Amazon’s REST API.
  • Slow query log/General query log paths were not always setting properly when adding/editing a server using the SQL DM for MySQL Monyog API.
  • MySQL InnoDB-related charts displayed empty with MySQL 5.6+. The reason was removal of the ‘have_innodb’ server variable in MySQL 5.6. Now these charts don’t depend on this variable.


  • When adding a server through SQL DM for MySQL Monyog API, sniffer was not enabled by default.
  • The setting for “Override send notification when alert-able?” was ignored if the value specified was greater than the setting for “Send notification when alertable”.
  • In rare cases Real-Time failed to start a new session and showed a random number.


  • Monyog.log file logged bogus SQLite errors like “not an error” if UDOs were enabled in Monyog SQL DM for MySQL in some cases.
  • The definition for the counter “Free disk space” in the “Linux” group was misleading as we were giving the free disk space of the volume where mysql MySQL binary resided given by “basedir”, instead of giving the free disk space on the volume where data directory resides given by “datadir”.
  • The column “Rows examined” in Performance_Schema based sniffer printed negative values, if the number of “Rows examined” exceeded the value 2G.
  • In Real-Time, charts for Tables tab were not displayed in some rare cases.
  • We are now discarding GTID-related system variables that are changed by MySQL server itself from the “Track Config” tab. These system variables (gtid_executed, gtid_owned, gtid_purged etc.) change if a new transaction occurs in Master and considering them would raise bogus alerts that configuration was changed.


  • Monyog SQL DM for MySQL will now have sniffer enabled by default for newly registered MySQL servers. If Performance_Schema is enabled for the MySQL server then Performance_Schema mode will be used, else Processlist mode will.
  • Improved the load time of Monitors page. It is noticable noticeable in particular when “History” timeframe is used with a large range (several hours or more).


  • “Count” column did show empty value in Processlist based Real-time.
  • Performance_Schema based Real Time failed if global sql_mode included “ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY”.
  • Clicking on locked queries were not showing its corresponding locking query and vice versa for Performance_Schema based Real Time.
  • The counter “General Log Enabled?” was showing incorrect value for MySQL 5.6.1+ versions.
  • In rare cases, Monyog SQL DM for MySQL would show only time with no date in x-axis if the chart was plotted for multiple days.
  • Editing LDAP group was not always working as expected.
  • With RDS servers Monyog SQL DM MySQL could fail to detect log files and would display the error “log file not present”. It happened because of changes in the XML-response of Amazon’s REST API introduced since we started supporting logs with RDS.


  • Added an option to choose data collection mode for Real-Time, Users can now choose between ‘Performance schema’ or ‘Processlist’. Old versions used ‘Processlist’ what we replaced with ‘Performance schema’ recently for servers running with needed P_S instruments enabled. However due to the aggregation and truncation of queries recorded in P_S we had several requests that both options should be there.
  • Information whether a query is performing a full table scan available in Query Analyzer, Wayback Machine and Real-time.This information will help to identify queries which are not using Indexes. Note: this is available only for Performance Schema mode.
  • Added a new monitor group ‘sys schema’. It contains various CSOs (Custom SQL Objects) utilizing the “sys schema” database introduced in MySQL 5.7.7.
  • Added an option to either have a fixed length height or dynamic (full screen) height for Processlist in Monyog SQL DM for MySQL GUI. We have been using each in earlier versions, but it seems impossible to make everyone happy with a single solution. Now user can choose what display/design that fits him best.


  • The Monyog API failed to set the error log path.
  • With MySQL 5.7+ Query Analyzer was displaying seemingly random values for the column “first seen” and “last seen” when using server logs (slow query log, general query log) as data source. This happened because of change of Timestamp format in the logs in MySQL 5.7 .
  • The filter “doesn’t contain” was not working properly in Real-time.
  • Fixed an issue where UDOs were displaying incorrect values after running for some time.
  • While editing the server using Monyog API, SSH settings were automatically set to disabled (even if it was enabled earlier).
  • For RDS/Aurora servers, “Apply the above settings to all the servers with same tags” (Edit server -> Advanced settings) was not working.
  • Monyog SQL DM for MySQL was giving the error “Log file not present” if either one of the slow query log or general query log was disabled for RDS servers.
  • Fixed Javascript JavaScript errors and optimized the charts for Real-time page for IE8 browser.


  • The query SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS fails for MySQL version less than 4.1.2. and resulted in a Monyog SQL DM for MySQL crash. Even though we don’t recommend MySQL 4.1 (and not at all such early beta of it), we should not crash.
  • Fixed JavaScript errors for Query Analyzer and Real Time tab in Internet Explorer 8 (WinXP, Win2003).
  • With MariaDB 10.1.x Monyog SQL DM for MySQL erroneously listed all user accounts as having no password.
  • The curl library used could crash, and thus crash MonyogSQL DM for MySQL, when resolving too many hostnames at the same time.
  • Monyog SQL DM for MySQL failed to send 'stable alert' when both "notify till stable" and "notify when stable" options were enabled and if different values were set for the "send notification when alertable" and "remind me after every ..".
  • Fixed the height of the Processlist display for each server. Each server’s processlist window is now displayed as scrollable window of fixed height. This is a regression fix and a revert of the page design to that of older versions. With recent versions it was necessary to scroll the browser window.


  • On Amazon RDS and Aurora, MySQL log files (Slow Query Log, General Query Log and Error Log) can now be read by MonyogSQL DM for MySQL. So Error Log monitoring is now possible here, and the Query Analyzer does not require logging to tables anymore. For this the Amazon “REST” API (and not SFTP) is used. Client functionalities for this API have been integrated into MonyogSQL DM for MySQL.
  • Added monitors for Galera: “Presence of non-InnoDB tables” and “Tables without a primary/unique key”.


  • Monitors and Real-time page failed to load on Internet Explorer 8 (highest IE option on WinXP) due to javascript JavaScript errors.
  • Fixed a rare crash when connected to MySQL 5.7.6+.
  • Accessing Realtime interface could cause a crash if connection to the server was not available.


  • Performance Schema is now available in Realtime. Monyog SQL DM for MySQL can now capture all queries and display it in realtime which was not possible earlier with SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST output. To view all queries in realtime, make sure Performance_schema and ‘statements_digest’ table is enabled. If not, Monyog SQL DM for MySQL will display the output of SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST in realtime. Note: Performance_schema is available with MySQL 5.6.14 and above.
