SQL Compliance Manager provides the following new features and fixed issues.

IDERA, Inc. customers have the sole responsibility to ensure their compliance with the laws and standards affecting their business. IDERA, Inc. does not represent that its products or services ensures that customer is in compliance with any law. It is the responsibility of the customer to obtain legal, accounting, or audit counsel as to the necessary business practices and actions to comply with such laws.

5.0 New features

Fully supports the SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Groups feature

SQL Compliance Manager 5.0 now allows DBAs to monitor their availability groups, availability replicas, and availability databases through AlwaysOn Availability in SQL Server 2012 and newer. AlwaysOn automatically switches auditing from the primary to the secondary replica in the event of failure as well as failback to primary when it comes back online. This advantage prevents a loss of audit data trail in the event of failure.

Support for this feature also comes with:

For additional information on SQL Compliance Manager and the AlwaysOn Availability Groups feature, see Enable automatic failover using AlwaysOn Availability Groups.

Offers a technology preview of a new web-based SQL Compliance Manager Dashboard

Along with the integration of the IDERA Dashboard, SQL Compliance Manager 5.0 includes a preview of a newly-designed web console that offers quick views of key audit trail activities on your SQL Servers from any web browser. Identify key compliance issues quickly and provide an easy access point to non-DBAs without giving them access to the entire Management Console.

Added integration with the IDERA Dashboard

SQL Compliance Manager 5.0 now integrates with the IDERA Dashboard, a common technology framework designed to support the IDERA product suite. Users are able to obtain an overview of the status of their SQL Servers and hosted databases all in a consolidated view and navigate to individual product dashboards for details. The IDERA Dashboard provides a central set of services for managing users, product registry, instance registry, aggregated alerts across IDERA applications, a central web server, and tags for grouping instances. For more information about the IDERA Dashboard, see Navigate the IDERA Dashboard web console.

Moved to the Windows .NET 4.0 framework

SQL Compliance Manager 5.0 supports Microsoft Windows operating systems using .NET 4.0. Note that .NET 4.0 or later must be installed on the audited server. For more information about requirements, see Software requirements.

5.0 Fixed issues


SQL Compliance Manager audits all activity on your server. Learn more > >
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