IDERA SQL Compliance Manager provides the following new features and fixed issues.

IDERA, Inc. customers have the sole responsibility to ensure their compliance with the laws and standards affecting their business. IDERA, Inc. does not represent that its products or services ensures that customer is in compliance with any law. It is the responsibility of the customer to obtain legal, accounting, or audit counsel as to the necessary business practices and actions to comply with such laws.

5.4 New features

IDERA SQL Compliance Manager 5.4 depends on certain Microsoft components that did not ship with SQL Server versions prior to SQL Server 2012 SP1. If you are installing SQL Compliance Manager's Collection Service on a Repository running on SQL Server 2012 or below, you must install these components manually. For more information about this process, see Important installation steps for SQLCM 5.4.

Improves archiving through the availability of SQL Server Extended Events

IDERA SQL Compliance Manager 5.4 includes support for event handling with SQL Server Extended Events. This optional feature is available for use in auditing instead of using SQL Trace. Running Extended Events offers a performance improvement over the default SQL Trace audit event gathering system and is available for instances running SQL Server 2012 and later. For more information about using the Extended Events option, see Using SQL Server Extended Events.

Allows Administrators to provide easy user access

This release includes an improved Web console that allows Administrator to give users access to IDERA SQL Compliance Manager through the browser rather than having to manually install the Windows console on each user's computer. For more information about this feature, see .

Includes new Sensitive Column Search

Included in this release is integration with a free tool from IDERA called SQL Column Search. Available from the IDERA SQL Compliance Manager Instance Details view, this feature allows you to search tables and columns on a targeted database to discover the location of sensitive data needing to be audited. For more information about using the Sensitive Column Search, see Sensitive Column Search window.

Offers SQL Compliance Manager Windows Console functionality in the Web Console

The following features previously available only through the IDERA SQL Compliance Manager Windows Console now are available in the Web Console as well:

Includes updated regulatory guideline templates

IDERA SQL Compliance Manager includes a number of regulatory guideline templates for customer use. IDERA SQL Compliance Manager 5.4 includes updates for these templates. For more information about this feature, see Comply with specific regulations.

5.4 Fixed issues

Installation and upgrade issues

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