IDERA SQL Compliance Manager provides users with a default basic set of settings to begin auditing. These are just the Idera default settings, and users can modify these settings on individual servers and databases to accommodate their auditing needs. These settings will apply to newly added servers and databases. Users can select the Reset to Idera Default Settings button to go back to the original Idera default settings.  

IDERA Default Server Audit Settings

Audited Activities tab

Allows you to select the type of activity you want to audit. The following are the IDERA Default Database Audit Settings:

Trusted Users tab

No users selected

Privileged Users Auditing tab

No users selected

Auditing Thresholds tab

No settings enabled

Advanced tab

IDERA Default Database Audit settings

Audited Activities tab

Allows you to select the type of activity you want to audit. The following are the IDERA Default Database Audit Settings:

Before-After Data

These settings must be set on the individual database level. 

Sensitive Columns tab

These settings must be set on the individual database level. 

Trusted Users tab

No users selected

Privileged Users Auditing tab

No users selected

SQL Compliance Manager monitor, audit and alert on SQL user activity and data changes.
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