Activate enhanced logging for the Idera - Collector service in SQL Workload Analysis, following these steps:

  1. Stop the Idera - Collector and the Idera - Framework
  2. Change the configuration of properties file:
    1. Locate the following paths:

<<Idera SQLWA InstallationDir>>\deploy\etc\

<<Idera SQLWA InstallationDir>>\etc\

  b. By default, the first line would be: logger.performanceLogger=FATAL , requestAppender

  c. Change the line, as follows: logger.performanceLogger=DEBUG , requestAppender

3. Start the Idera - Collector and the Idera - Framework

        The Collector perflogs are created at: <<Idera SQLWA InstallationDir>>\deploy\var\logs

        While the Framework JMS perflogs: <<Idera SQLWA InstallationDir>>\tomcat\logs

Wait half an hour or so to have actionable insights from the logs.

4. Stop the Idera - Collector and the Idera - Framework

5. Revert the Perflogs configuration and restart services.

SQL Workload Analysis add-on provides a granular breakdown of wait states with easy drill-down to isolate problems quickly.
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