On the top menu of the Steps section, you have two options for adding a new step: New and Insert. Both options open a new window for specifying the characteristics of the step, but the difference between the two options is:

What options are available when defining a new step?

When you define a new step, you have General and Advanced settings which you can specify according to your needs. 

The General settings options for new steps depend on the type of step you choose. The following options are available to all types of steps:

What options are available according to the step type?

According to the step type you choose, SQL Enterprise Job Manager displays different options for that type.

Below you have a description of the information displayed for each step type. 

Operating System (CmdExec) step type

When you choose an Operating system step type, you have the following option: Process exit code of a successful command - where you determine the exit code the command returns to indicate success.

Additionally, you can determine the option Run as to specify the account that will be used to run the step. 

Replication step types

There are different Replication Agent step types that you can choose when defining your step. Some of the Replication step types are:

If you select the Replication Transaction Queue Reader step type, then you have to specify the Database where you want this step to be executed. 

Additionally, you can determine the option Run as to specify the account that will be used to run the step.   

Power Shell  

When you select a Power Shell step type, you can determine the account that will be used to run the step in the Run as option. In the box field, type the command that will be executed.  

Transact-SQL script (T-SQL) step type

When you select this step type, you have to specify the Database where you want this step to be executed. 

Additionally, you can find the Parse option to check the syntax of your command.

Keep in mind that Job steps types depend on the selected SQL Server instance. SQL Enterprise Job Manager does not handle SQL Server Analysis Services Command, SQL Server Analysis Services Query, and SQL Server Integration Services Package Execution job steps types.  

Go to Advanced settings to see what other options you can specify for your step.

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