SQL Inventory Manager provides the following reports to help organizations report and track their SQL Server Environment.

If you are upgrading to SQL Inventory Manager 2.6 you need to redeploy the reports.

Available reports

Licensing Report 
Provides MS SQL Licensing view of SQL Server instances being managed in SQL Inventory Manager. For more information refer to Licensing Report.

Inventory Report

Provides a view for monitored, discovered, decommissioned and ignored instances so you can assess your SQL Server landscape. For more information refer to 26_Changes_Inventory Report.

Chargeback report

Gives you metrics for the managed SQL instances and databases so an organization can calculate chargeback costs to allocate back for database usage. For more information refer to Chargeback report.

Health Report

Gives a summary of the state of SQL Server instances and databases monitored by SQL Inventory Manager. For more information refer to 26_Changes_Health Report.

To learn how to deploy reports on your instances, refer to the 26_Changes_IDERA Reports Utility documentation.

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