Idera strives to ensure our products provide quality solutions for your SQL Server needs. The following known issues are described in this section. If you need further assistance with any issue, please contact (

1.1 Known issues


The Idera Dashboard installer is designed to create a login for the specified service account in the SQL Server Repository database. However, this installer is occasionally unable to create a login on SQL Server 2005 Repository databases.  This results in lack of access to the Idera Dashboard Repository.  To solve this issue, create the necessary SQL Server logins outside of the installation process:

  1. Start SSMS and connect to the SQL Server 2005 Repository database.
  2. Create a login in the SQL Server 2005 Repository for the service account to be used during the Idera Dashboard installation.
  3. Run the Idera Dashboard installer.


In SQL BI Manager 1.1 migration occurs as part of the installation process and requires a custom upgrade procedure.  This limitation will be corrected in an upcoming release.

To upgrade from SQL BI Manager 1.0 to our latest version follow these steps:

  1. Verify that you have product administration permissions.
  2. In the Repository databases screen, enter the location of the existing 1.0 database (SQL Server Instance) and existing database name (BI Database Name).
  3. The installer detects a 1.0 schema and executes the migration.

SQL Business Intelligence Manager identifies issues within the SQL BI environment to help optimize BI service performance. Learn more > >

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