IDERA DB Change Manager helps database administrators and developers to:

DB Change Manager provides comparison, synchronization, data masking, and auditing capabilities that let you track and report on changes, roll out new releases, and pinpoint problems resulting from changes at the data, schema, and database configuration levels. 

By comparing a live database to a schema or configuration “snapshot,” administrators can quickly identify changes and correct problems. By monitoring configuration settings, administrators can ensure compliance with regulatory policies and performance standards and maintain overall database performance and availability.

What can you do with DB Change Manager?

This section describes what you can do with DB Change Manager and links to more detailed information about how to perform the tasks. In addition, DB Change Manager includes step-by- step Eclipse-style cheat sheets to help you learn the tasks.

Complete Commonly-performed tasks

These tasks describe basic functions and help you use DB Change Manager most effectively. In addition, you can customize the interface using preferences. See the Preferences Reference for details.

Compare and synchronize data

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