IDERA DB Change Manager helps database administrators and developers to:
DB Change Manager provides comparison, synchronization, data masking, and auditing capabilities that let you track and report on changes, roll out new releases, and pinpoint problems resulting from changes at the data, schema, and database configuration levels.
By comparing a live database to a schema or configuration “snapshot,” administrators can quickly identify changes and correct problems. By monitoring configuration settings, administrators can ensure compliance with regulatory policies and performance standards and maintain overall database performance and availability.
This section describes what you can do with DB Change Manager and links to more detailed information about how to perform the tasks. In addition, DB Change Manager includes step-by- step Eclipse-style cheat sheets to help you learn the tasks.
These tasks describe basic functions and help you use DB Change Manager most effectively. In addition, you can customize the interface using preferences. See the Preferences reference for details.
Data Comparison jobs help you manage data changes and synchronize changes between databases.
In DB Change Manager you can select schema objects and types, compare them across data sources, and synchronize them to each other. You can also create a snapshot or archive of the schema objects, to use in a comparison or to save for future reference. In addition, you can clone schema comparison jobs to make it easier to reuse existing jobs.
DB Change Manager helps you keep track of database settings and version information; such as patch levels. You can define database configuration values and ranges and then run a configuration comparison job to check for compliance against those parameters.
Protecting personally identifiable information while having accurate data for testing can be difficult. DB Change Manager lets you create a masked copy of production data for use during development and testing. This way the data is functionally correct and at the same time does not compromise privacy or security.
You may need some jobs to run on a regular basis without using Windows Task Scheduler (as described in Scheduling a job.) The Script Wizard lets you define scripts that run jobs, and batch files to run multiple scripts.
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