To access the SQL Inventory Manager  go to the Instances tab and select Managed by Host Server from the View By drop down menu.  This view provides a hierarchical structure  of the instances and host servers managed by SQL Inventory Manager together together with relevant information about their characteristics. This view contains three different levels of information: host servers, virtual host servers, and instances.

Host servers: 

A physical or virtualized host server containing either instances or virtual servers. The following information is available for Host Servers: Host Server, Type, SQL Server Version, Edition, O/S, Model, CPU Name, CPU Name, CPU Speed, # of Sockets, #of Logical Processors, #of Cores, Disk Capacity, Free Space, and Windows Cluster.

Virtual host servers: 

Virtual host servers contained on a host. The following information is available for virtual host servers: Virtual Machine, SQL Server Version, Edition, O/S, Model, CPU Name, CPU Name, CPU Speed, # of Sockets, #of Logical Processors, #of Cores, Disk Capacity, Free Space, and Windows Cluster.


Instances on either a virtual or physical host. The following information is available for instances: Instance Name, SQL Server Version, Edition, CPU Speed, Sockets, Logical Processors, Cores, Cores Factors, Possible Core Licenses, Last Changed.

Available individual instance actions

When you select one instance, you can perform any of the following actions on the actions items bar:

Viewing instance details

You can access an instance details view by selecting the instance and clicking View Details on the action items bar. For more information about what information is available on the instance details view, refer to Viewing instance details. 

Refresh Data

If you want to refresh the collected data for an instance, select one or more instances and click   Refresh Data on the action items bar.

Edit instance properties

Select an instance and click Edit Properties on the action items bar. On the properties dialog window you can change the owner, location, comments, and credentials. For more information go to Editing instances properties.

Edit Tags

By selecting an instance and clicking Edit Tags on the action items bar, SQL Inventory Manager opens a new dialog window where you can add new tags or change the currently assigned tags of the selected instance. For more information about editing tags for a specific instance, go to Manage tags for a single instance.

More Actions

Click the More Actions button  on the action items bar to find additional options: Decommission, Remove, and Add SQL Server instance.


Using More Actions, select an instance and click Decommission on the action items bar to stop monitoring and alerting on that instance. For more information about decommissioning an instance or database, see Decommissioned instances.

Remove instance

If you no longer want to manage an instance, you can remove it by selecting the respective instance, going to More Actions on the action items bar, and selecting Remove. SQL Inventory Manager displays all removed instances on the Ignored instances view. For more information about removing instances click here.

Add SQL Server instance

If you want to access the Add SQL Server instance wizard, go to More actions and select this option. The wizard opens and allows you to browse and register SQL Server instances.

Advanced Filter

Apply advanced filters to your instances view, for more information refer to Filtering and Sorting.

Clear Filters

Clears any applied advanced filters.

Available bulk actions for multiple instances

You can select several instances and perform different actions:

For example, if you have a new DBA, you can select all instances on this tab and click Edit Owner to change all instances owner at once.

You can also perform the following actions under the More Actions option:

To bulk edit several instances, select the instances you want to change and follow any of these paths:

Exporting Instances view information

On the action items bar of the Managed Instances view, you can find the Export option which allows you to choose your preferred format for exporting the information available on this view. You can export as a PDFXLS, or XML file. The filters you choose on this view will be taken into account for your exported reports.

Filtering and Sorting

SQL Inventory Manager offers different ways of sorting and filtering the listed instances/servers, for further information refer to Filtering and Sorting.

IDERA SQL Inventory Manager displays the filters you select on the top section of your managed instances view under Filtered by. You can remove filters from this section too.

You can also access the Managed instances section by clicking Instances on the right sidebar of the overview. For more information, go to Viewing information on the SQL Inventory Manager Overview.

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