The Alert Rules tab displays the alert rules you have defined for your environment. By default, there are three alert rules configured in your application:

If you want to edit these default alert rules or to add new ones, go to Adding and Configuring alert rules.

The Alert Rules tab shows a list of alert rules with the following information:

Keep in mind:

  • Click the  more options icon to select the information you want to hide or show on the Job Overlap view list.
  • You can define how many jobs you want to view per page. Go to the bottom section of the tab and type the number of jobs you want to see per page.

Read-only users cannot create/edit or remove alert rules in the Alert Rules tab but they can view alert rules properties and subscribe/unsubscribe to an individual or to all critical alert rules.

How can you export the information available on Alert Rules?

To export the information available on the Alert Rules tab, click Export on the top bar menu, and select your preferred format for exporting the information: PDF, CSV, or XML.

How can you filter information on the Alert Rules tab?

To view more specific information, you can filter your alert rules on the left section of this tab under the Filter Table by:

When using filters consider that:

  • Click the respective checkbox to add or remove your selections.
  • If you want to select filters first and apply the changes later, deselect the Apply Filter Instantly option.

How do you save filters? 

You can save your preferred filtering options by typing a name in the Add Filter wizard of the Custom Filter section and clicking Save. Once you save your filter, you can retrieve it from the drop-down bottom of the Custom Filter option available on the left side under the Filter Table By section. 

How do you remove filters?

You can remove filters by following these options:

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