After you define your steps, you can set several schedules for your job. SQL Enterprise Job Manager displays a Schedule list on this window. On this list you can see the schedule ID, name, if the schedule is enabled, and the description specified for this schedule.  

At the top of this section you can find the following options:

Creating new schedules

When you select New to create a new schedule, a window opens and displays the following sections:

Each section has its own specific options according to the Schedule type and Frequency you choose.

The following topics describe with more detail your options on these sections.

Name your schedule

This option lets you type the name of your schedule. Use a name that allows you to identify your schedule easily. 

Schedule type

You have different options for the Schedule type. Depending on the type you choose, you may need to specify additional settings. You can select from the following schedule types: 

Regardless the Schedule type you choose, you can select to have the schedule enabled or disabled using the respective checkbox in this section. 

One-time occurrence

This option is enabled only when you select One time in your schedule type. If you choose this option, specify the Date and Time when your job runs. Keep in mind that the one-time occurrence date and time must be greater than the current date and time.


This option is only available when you select Recurring in your schedule type. 

On this section you can specify if you want the frequency of your schedule to be: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. SQL Enterprise Job Manager displays different options depending on the frequency option you choose. 

Daily Frequency

After you determine the frequency of your schedule, you can specify the daily frequency of your job schedule. You have the following two options:

For example you can set the following schedules:


Finally, you can determine the duration of your job schedule: when it starts, when it ends, or if it does not have an ending date. For example, you can set the job to start on 06/30/2014 and end on 06/30/2015.

After making your settings in the Schedule section of this wizard, you can finish and save the job, or you can go to any of these sections: General, Steps, Alerts, Notifications, Targets.

SQL Enterprise Job Manager monitors and manages your SQL Server agent jobs. Learn more > >
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