What makes a CSO?

Choose Manage CSO from the drop-down. This opens up a form with the following details:

Making its CSC

We create a CSC like any other monitor. Go to monitors page and select Add new monitor from the drop-down

function() {
   var sqlObject = MONyog.UserObject('<Name of your Custom SQL Object>');
   if (!sqlObject || !sqlObject.isEnabled() || !MONyog.MySQL.Custom.Available)
      return '(n/a)';
   /* You will have to call select here to fetch the resultset. */
   var resultSet = sqlObject.select();
   var results = ''; /* results holds the resultset in the form of array of row(s).*/
   /*Get column(s) for each row from the result set */
   for (i in resultSet) {
      if (resultSet.length > 0)
         results += '<br>';
      results += resultSet[i].<Column name in resultset> +
         '.' + resultSet[i].<Column name in resultset>;
   if (results.length == 0)
         results = 'None';
   return results;

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