Idera strives to ensure our products provide quality solutions for your SQL Server needs. The following known issues are described in this section.  If you need further assistance with any issue , please contact .

Known issues for 7.4

Previous known issues

SQLsafe Repository no longer supports SQL Server 2000

SQLsafe Repository no longer supports SQL Server 2000. Supported versions include:

SQLsafe no longer supports Itanium

SQLsafe 7.0 and later does not support the Itanium processor architecture. For more information, see the software requirements.

Pentium II processors are not supported

You should not install SQLsafe on a computer running a Pentium II processor. For more information, see the hardware requirements.

User must select the SQL Server hosting the Repository when using the Maintenance wizard

Users of the SQLsafe Maintenance wizard to modify, repair, or remove this version of SQLsafe must click Browse to select the current SQL Server hosting the Repository in the SQLsafe Repository window of the wizard. The wizard does not let you continue until an entry appears in the SQL Server hosting the Repository field.

Backup file names that use the %timestamp% macro may change when upgrading to SQLsafe 6.5 or later

When some users upgrade to SQLsafe 6.5 or later, the backup file names using the %timestamp% macro may change. This issue affects users who have SQLsafe groom their backup files at backup time, using either the -delete command line option or the Remove files older than option in the Backup Policy wizard. Previous versions expand %timestamp% to the UTC time of the backup.

Beginning with SQLsafe 6.5, %timestamp% expands to the local time of the backup. As a result, SQLsafe may write new backups to files already created by an earlier version of SQLsafe immediately after upgrading. By default, SQLsafe appends to backup files and this issue does not occur as the new backup appends to the existing file. This situation resolves itself after the time difference between UTC and local time passes. For example, this issue is resolved after five hours in the Central Standard Time zone (US).

Note that if you specify to overwrite, SQLsafe overwrites the existing files instead of appending the new information. If you upgrade from a release earlier than SQLsafe 6.4, appends fail and display an error message.

Setup program removes previous version when upgrade fails

If the upgrade fails while you are upgrading from a previous version of SQLsafe, the setup program removes the previous version from the SQL Server computer on which you attempted the upgrade.

XSP installation fails on clustered SQL Server instances

When you use the Agent Only install to manually deploy the SQLsafe Backup Agent to a clustered SQL Server instance, the corresponding SQLsafe XSP installation will fail. After the Backup Agent install completes, you can manually install the SQLsafe XSP.

For more information, see the Using the SQLsafe XSP Technical Solution located in the Documentation folder (by default,  C:\Program Files\Idera\SQLsafe\Documentation ).

Remote Backup Agent install fails when SQL Server is not installed

In order to install the SQLsafe Backup Agent remotely, the computer from which you install SQLsafe must have a version of SQL Server already installed. For more information, see the software requirements .

Table Restore wizard is no longer available in SQLsafe version 6.0 or later

To restore objects and data from your backup files, use the new Idera SQL virtual database tool. For more information, see Recover objects using SQLvdb .

FIPS-compliant encryption no longer requires additional software when installing SQLsafe version 6.0 or later

In a FIPS-compliant environment, SQLsafe uses only FIPS-compliant algorithms to encrypt your backup files. These encryption methods do not require any additional software. For more information, see   Ensure FIPS compliance .

Upgrade any Backup Agents that perform TSM backups

Due to the extensive TSM enhancements included in SQLsafe 6.4 and later, older Backup Agents are not compatible with 6.4. To ensure you can continue backing up your SQL Server data to TSM, upgrade any Backup Agent that is used to perform TSM backups in your environment.

64-bit users need additional steps to install reports

Users with 64-bit installations must follow different steps to install reports. For more information, see Idera solution 3891, "Where do I find the SQLsafe reports," in the knowledge base at our   ( ).

SQLsafe 4.0 users who upgrade to SQLsafe 7.1 or newer cannot use existing backup policies as part of new restore policies 

SQLsafe 4.0 users who upgrade to SQLsafe 7.1 or newer receive error messages if they attempt to create and then run a restore policy that includes a backup policy created on the earlier version of SQLsafe.  

SQLsafe Management Service logging multiple grooming events per day 

Some users may notice the SQLsafe Management Service logging multiple grooming events in the Windows Application log each day. SQLsafe should be logging only one such event per day.  

Attempting to restore a database from the list of backups on the SQL Server details page fails 

A failure results when you attempt to restore a database file by right-clicking a file backup in the Backup/Restore Operation Status list and select Restore Database . To avoid this issue when restoring a file backup, click  Restore > Database Files  from the menu and complete the available restore wizard. You can also access the wizard from the Servers tree by right-clicking the appropriate SQL Server instance and selecting Restore Database(s) Files   .  

InstantRestore performance is affected by whether the SE_MANAGE_VOLUME_NAME privilege is on your SQL Server 

Enabling the SE_MANAGE_VOLUME_NAME privilege for your SQL Server account improves general SQL Server file I/O performance as well as SQLsafe InstantRestore. If this privilege is not enabled for the SQL Server Service, InstantRestore performance could be negatively impacted, just as with SQL Server itself. The degree of impact varies depending on environmental conditions.  For more information about SQL Server Instant File Initialization, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article located at    

InstantRestore appears to stall when restoring databases that contain read-only file groups 

SQLsafe 7.0 Beta hydration appears to stall at 99% complete when restoring databases that contain read-only file groups. SQL Server triggers InstantRestore hydration when it performs read/write I/O on the database files. Because SQL Server does not perform read/write I/O on the read-only files, hydration does not begin. Eventually, hydration begins when SQL Server performs read I/O on the files. You can deleted the database if you experience this issue.  

Adding a new drive requires you to restart the InstantRestore Service 

When you add a new drive to a server, you must restart the SQLsafe Filter Service to make sure that the SQLsafe Filter driver is attached to the new drive. When the SQLsafe Filter Service starts, it attaches the SQLsafe Filter driver to all the fixed drives on the server. If you add a new drive after the service starts, the driver is not attached and any files created on this drive during InstantRestore do not function correctly. To avoid this issue, simply restart the SQLsafe Filter Service after adding any new drive.  

Not all files are removed when you delete a database restored using InstantRestore 

Some files may remain after you attempt to delete a database previously restored using the InstantRestore feature. In most cases, you can manually delete these mdf, ndf, ldf, and vbm files. If the files are locked, restart either the SQLsafe Filter Service or the SQL Server Instance and then delete the files manually.  

Offline SQLsafe Web Help may display a blank page 

Some users experience a blank page when pressing F1 and using the offline SQLsafe Help. If this issue occurs, access the online version of SQLsafe Help at

SQLsafe Backup Agent may stop unexpectedly

The SQLsafe Backup Agent may stop unexpectedly and SQLsafe displays an error similar to, ".NET Runttime version 2.0…-Fatal Execution Engine Error." Microsoft recommends that users make sure that their environments include the following patches:

Importing backup archive sets may result in an error

SQLsafe may experience an issue when you attempt to import backup archive sets into your Repository.

Logins data archived only on Full backups

SQLsafe archives Logins data only when you perform a Full backup. SQLsafe does not archive this data when you perform a Differential or Log backup. You can restore Logins data only when you use a single backup set. When you specify multiple backup sets such as Full, Differential, and Log, you cannot restore Logins data.

Policy views may be blank after upgrading to version 6.6

The new granular alert notifications available in version 6.6 provide more detailed feedback about policy compliance and status. Because policy jobs created with SQLsafe 6.4 or earlier do not support this feature, the Management Console policy views will not display compliance status related to previous backup or restore operations. Instead, the policy views will track the policy status from the time you upgraded.  To see the status of previous backup and restore operations, use the   backup/restore operation status pane    on the instance and database status views.

No Restore Policy support for backup files stored on TSM Servers

The SQLsafe 6.6 Restore Policy does not support restoring a database from a backup file stored on a TSM Server.

Metadata for SQL virtual database is not generated

SQLsafe is unable to generate SQL virtual database metadata for backups that use the following options:

Errors occurring when saving changes may delete policies

If an error occurs while saving changes to an existing policy, the policy may be deleted.

InstantRestore appears to stall when restoring databases that contain read-only file groups

SQLsafe 7.0 Beta hydration appears to stall at 99% complete when restoring databases that contain read-only file groups. SQL Server triggers InstantRestore hydration when it performs read/write I/O on the database files. Because SQL Server does not perform read/write I/O on the read-only files, hydration does not begin. Eventually, hydration begins when SQL Server performs read I/O on the files. You can deleted the database if you experience this issue.

Adding a new drive requires you to restart the InstantRestore Service

When you add a new drive to a server, you must restart the SQLsafe Filter Service to make sure that the SQLsafe Filter driver is attached to the new drive. When the SQLsafe Filter Service starts, it attaches the SQLsafe Filter driver to all the fixed drives on the server. If you add a new drive after the service starts, the driver is not attached and any files created on this drive during InstantRestore do not function correctly. To avoid this issue, simply restart the SQLsafe Filter Service after adding any new drive.

Not all files are removed when you delete a database restored using InstantRestore

Some files may remain after you attempt to delete a database previously restored using the InstantRestore feature. In most cases, you can manually delete these mdf, ndf, ldf, and vbm files. If the files are locked, restart either the SQLsafe Filter Service or the SQL Server Instance and then delete the files manually.

InstantRestore Hydration statistics are incorrect if the IR Server restarts during Hydration

During the Hydration phase of the InstantRestore feature, if the IR filter service is restarted, the statistics incorrectly show the hydration process reset to zero. This is not accurate as hydration correctly picks up where it left off in the process.


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