The Databases tab of the SQL Safe Backup wizard allows you to specify the instance that hosts the databases, and the specific databases you want to back up.

If your instance is not licensed, SQL Safe displays a warning message. Go to License Key Manager to enable the license for your instance.

What can you do on the Databases tab?

You can select the instance that hosts your target databases.

After you select the instance, the database list is populated. From the database list, select the databases you want to back up.

If you want to ...

Select this option ...

Back up all databases on the selected SQL Server instance

All Databases

Back up only User databases on the selected SQL Server instance

All User Databases

Back up only System databases on the selected SQL Server instance

All System Databases (master, model, msdb, distribution)

Back up only the databases you specify on the selected SQL Server instance

Specific Databases, and then choose the appropriate databases

Why is the target instance not listed?

The instance list only includes SQL Server instances that have been registered with SQL Safe. If the instance is not in the drop-down list, you can choose to add a new instance by clicking Register SQL Server . For more information, see register an instance.

You can click Refresh to update the list of your databases if you do not see the current information.

Once you select the databases for your backup, click NEXT to select the backup type.

SQL Safe Backup hands-free backup and instant recovery across your SQL Servers.
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