The Add Filter wizard allows you to choose the appropriate criteria to use when collecting snapshot information. By default, IDERA SQL Secure collects all security information.

Consider using the default filter settings in your initial policy assessments until you know exactly which data your policies will require. Using the default filter settings ensures that all the data required by your policies is collected

Access this wizard

To open the Add Filter wizard:

  1. You can find your registered servers on the Explore Permissions (Audited SQL Servers tree) or Security Summary (Servers in Policy) views. Right-click the server you want to edit, and select Properties.
  2. Select the Filters tab.
  3. Click New Filter on the top section. 

Add Filter wizard

The Add Filter wizard lets you designate what types of permission and security data will be collected. Use this wizard to store your filters in the Repository database, which are then used by SQL Secure when taking snapshots.

Specify filter properties

After you open the Add Filter wizard, click Next and access the Specify name and description section. This window allows you to name your filter and give it a description. It is important to give your filter a name you can easily distinguish. 

Click Next to access the Specify Databases and objects section.

Specify databases and database objects

This window allows you to select which databases you want to audit using IDERA SQL Secure.

User databases and System databases

For some objects, the Scope Matches column allows you to select if you want to use System, User, or both (System or User) databases types for your snapshot.

Databases names matching
  • In the list of available elements, click the elements you want to move to the Selected list, and then click Add. You can remove the added elements from the list by selecting the element and clicking Remove.
  • On the Names matching box, select Any if you want to include all elements names in your snapshot.
  • If you want to specify strings that your filter will use to match the names of your databases, click Like to enable new options on the Name matching box.  You can search for a specific element by typing a specific string in the Enter match string field (you can use wildcards), and then click Add. The Match strings field added strings. You can also remove strings from this box by selecting the string and clicking Remove.

Complete the Add Filter Wizard

See name and the description of your filter

Click Back to change the information.

Click Finish to create the filter.

SQL Secure manages SQL Server security and permissions.
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