On this section of the SQL Safe Backup Home tab, you can find a summary of your environment's alerts. SQL Safe Backup groups these alerts by level of severity: OK (green), Informational (gray), Warning (yellow), Critical (red).

What actions can you perform on Alert Rules?

In each Alert rule, you can find the following options:

What actions can you perform individually on each instance alert?

When you choose to Show Details of a specific alert rule, you can see all instances or databases associated with that specific alert rule. On each alert you can:  

When you Dismiss an alert, it will not be displayed on the Home tab temporarily. SQL Safe will raise the alert when the alert rule condition triggers it again.

Additional options

According to the type of alert, you can find additional options, relevant to the alert, that can help you solve the situation:

Take into account that actions available for SQL Safe Backup connection failures and Databases never been backed up are only available for Administrators.

What other actions can you perform on the Alerts section?

SQL Safe Backup allows you to perform the following actions on the Alerts section of the Home tab:

What SQL Safe Backup alerts can you find?

To find out more about what alerts SQL Safe Backup notifies you about, go to Available Alerts and view the complete list of alerts, their description, severity level, and links to the respective knowledge base articles. 

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