Creating a new version can be invoked through the command line.

-r <repo name>
-fc <from category>
-fm <from model>
-fv <from version>
[-fg <from group>]
-tc <to category>
-tm <to model>
-tv <to version>
[-e <yes/no>] (Use existing model. Default: no)
[-osm <yes/no>] (Use original source mappings. Default: no)
[-h <yes/no>] (Copy hidden objects. Default: no)
[-mc <model conversion>[,<model conversion>]] (Apply model conversions)


  • <model conversion> has the format [@]name[:rdbms], where @ represents checking the repository level first and rdbms is the rdbms filter.
  • No support for creating model versions in categories that require a connection. You can still copy to an existing model version.


java -Xmx512m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m -splash: -jar WhereScape-3D-HEAD-bundle.jar advancedcopy -r "Local repository" -fc "Source" -fm "Tutorial" -fv "1.0" -tc "Star schema" -tm "My star" -tv "Verison 1" -mc "3NF to Star Schema"

  • No labels