Renames entity or attribute names or labels to a defined business standard.



Match for entity

Select the criteria for finding the matching entity or attribute. Refer to Model Conversion Matching Criteria for details.

Apply on

Apply naming standards on:

  • Entity name: The name of the entity.
  • Entity label: The label of the entity.
  • Attribute name: The name of the attribute.
  • Attribute label: The label of the attribute.

Naming standard

General naming standards:

  • None: No naming standard.
  • Words to CamelCase: Convert any words to camel case (e.g. "This is a term deposit" to "ThisIsATd").
  • CamelCase to words: Convert any camel case to words with spaces (e.g. "ThisIsATd" to "This Is A Td").
  • Spaces to underscores: Convert spaces to underscores (e.g. "This is a term deposit" to "The_is_a_td").
  • Limit to first word: Use only the first word. Words are considered separated by whitespace or underscores. (e.g. "This is a term deposit" to "This").

Max length

Indicates whether to shorten names to a specified max length.


Specify the text to find and replace:

  • Replace: Type in the text to search, allows for "%".
  • With: Type in the value that will replace the matched text.
  • Exact match: Indicates if the text matching must be exact—only find and replace the exact text typed in the Replace text box.
  • Case sensitive: Indicates if the text matching is case sensitive.

Reserved words

Specify the text to find and apply business policies: Match: Type in the text to search.

  • Exact match: Indicates if the text matching must be exact—only find the exact text typed in the Match text box.
  • Case sensitive: Indicates if the text matching is case sensitive.
  • Action: Specify the action taken for the matched text
  • Rename: Renames the matching text with the new name, typed in the text box.
  • Hide object: Sets the entity or attribute as hidden.
  • Delete object: Deletes the entity or attribute.
  • No labels