The following screen illustrates a typical Oracle JDBC connection:



Connection name

Enter a name for the connection.

Connection type

Select JDBC from the drop-down list.

Database type

Select ORACLE from the drop-down list.


Enter the host name or IP address.


The default Oracle port is 1521; however, this is unlikely to be the port number as it is routinely changed by Database Administrators. To determine the port, check the Oracle listener configuration.


Discover the Port by running a TNSPING command for "TNS Service Name" on the database server. The port number is displayed as the "Port=" value. For example: TNSPING ORCL.


Type the Oracle database name.

Connect using

Sets whether the value in the database represents an Oracle Instance name / SID or Service name / TNSNAME and is used for correctly formatting the connection URL.

Max simultaneous

Set the maximum number of simultaneous connections 3D will open to the system.

Manual tree expand

Select the checkbox to manually expand and load the database and host connections tree, instead of automatically drilling down the tree.

JAR libraries

Select the Oracle jar file from the JDBC-DRIVERS directory.


Enter the username for connecting to the specific database.


Enter the password for connecting to the specific database.

Store password in

Select one of the following options if you choose to save or not to save your password:

  • Repository
  • Locally
  • Do not store

Test connection

Click the button to ensure the entered parameters are correct.

  • No labels