Public Methods

BoundAttachmentsGet all the BoundAttachments of this DB2Tablespace.
DB2TbsPartitionsGet all the DB2TbsPartitions of this DB2Tablespace.
UserCommentsGet all the User comments associated with this DB2Tablespace.

Public Properties

BufferPoolBufferPool of the DB2Tablespace. DATATYPE: String.
CloseClose property of the DB2Tablespace. DATATYPE: Boolean.
CompressCompress property of the DB2Tablespace. DATATYPE: Boolean.
DatabaseDatabase of the DB2Tablespace. DATATYPE: String.
DescriptionDescription of the DB2Tablespace. DATATYPE: String.
DssSizeDssSize in Gigabytes of the DB2Tablespace. DATATYPE: Integer.
EncodingEncoding of the DB2Tablespace. ASCII, EBCDIC and UNICODE are the only valid input strings. DATATYPE: String.
EraseErase property for the DB2Tablespace. DATATYPE: Boolean.
FreePageFreePage of the DB2Tablespace. DATATYPE: Integer.
GBPCacheGbpCache of the DB2Tablespace. Valid strings are CHANGED, ALL, SYSTEM, and NONE. DATATYPE: String.
GUIDGUID of the DB2Tablespace. DATATYPE: String.
IDID of the DB2Tablespace. DATATYPE: Integer.
LockMaxLockMax of the DB2Tablespace. Set to -1 for SYSTEM. DATATYPE: Integer.
LockPartLockPart property of the DB2Tablespace. DATATYPE: Boolean.
LockSizeLockSize of the DB2Tablespace. Valid strings are ANY, TABLESPACE, TABLE, PAGE, ROW, and LOB. DATATYPE: String.
LogLog of the DB2Tablespace. DATATYPE: Boolean.
MaxPartitionsMaxPartitions of the DB2Tablespace. Input range is 1 to 4096 only. DATATYPE: Integer.
MaxRowsMaxRows of the DB2Tablespace. Input range is 1 to 255 only. DATATYPE: Integer.
MemberClusterMemberCluster of the DB2Tablespace. DATATYPE: Boolean.
NameName of the DB2Tablespace. DATATYPE: String.
NumPartsNumParts of the DB2Tablespace. Set value to 0 (zero) for not partitioned. DATATYPE: Integer.
PctFreePctFree of the DB2Tablespace. DATATYPE: Integer.
PriQtyPriQty of the DB2Tablespace. DATATYPE: Integer.
SecQtySecQty of the DB2Tablespace. DATATYPE: Integer.
SegSizeSegSize of the DB2Tablespace. DATATYPE: Integer.
StoGroupNameStoGroupName of the DB2Tablespace. DATATYPE: String.
TrackModTrackMod of the DB2Tablespace. DATATYPE: Boolean.
TypeType of the DB2Tablespace. LARGE and LOB are the only valid strings. DATATYPE: String.
VcatNameVcatName of the DB2Tablespace. DATATYPE: String.
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