Public Properties

GUIDReturns the GUID of the DataMovementColumnLink. DATATYPE: String.
IDReturns the ID of the DataMovementColumnLink. DATATYPE: Integer.
IsDirectSourceDetermines whether the source/target column is mapped to the physical column as a direct source. If true, it is mapped as a direct source. DATATYPE: Boolean.
IsDirectTargetDetermines whether the source/target column is mapped to the physical column as a direct target. If true, it is mapped as a direct target. DATATYPE: Boolean.
IsSecondarySourceTells whether the SourceTarget column is mapped to the physical column as a secondary source. If true, it is mapped as a secondary source. DATATYPE: Boolean.
IsSecondaryTargetTells whether the SourceTarget column is mapped to the physical column as a secondary target. If true, it is mapped as a secondary target. DATATYPE: Boolean.
PhysicalColumnNameRepresents the name of the column being linked (that is in the physical model). DATATYPE: String.
PhysicalModelNameRepresents the name of the physical model that the physical column being linked belongs to. DATATYPE: String.
PhysicalTableNameRepresents the name of the physical table that the physical column being linked belongs to. DATATYPE: String.
PhysicalTableOwnerRepresents the owner of the physical table that the physical column being linked belongs to. DATATYPE: String.
SrcTrgtColumnNameRepresents the name of the column being linked (that is in the source/target model). DATATYPE: String.
SrcTrgtModelNameRepresents the name of the source/target model that the source/target column being linked belongs to. DATATYPE: String.
SrcTrgtTableNameRepresents the name of the source/target table that the source/target column being linked belongs to. DATATYPE: String.
SrcTrgtTableOwnerRepresents the owner of the source/target table that the source/target column being linked belongs to. DATATYPE: String.
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