Public Methods

DoReverseEngineerExecutes the reverse-engineer process with the specified properties. RETURN DATATYPE: Diagram.
GetDatabaseListReturns a StringObject collection of the databases to be reverse-engineered.
GetObjectOwnerListReturns a StringObject collection of the owners of objects to be reverse-engineered.
SetDatabaseListSet the databases to be reverse-engineered. PARAMETERS: StringObjects.
SetObjectOwnerListSet the owners of the objects that are to be reverse-engineered. PARAMETERS: StringObjects.

Public Properties

AliasSpecifies whether you want to reverse-engineer alias. DATATYPE: Boolean.
ConnectionTypeConnection type. Valid types are: 'Native' and 'ODBC'. DATATYPE: String.
ConnectStringReverse engineering uses this string to connect to the database when the connection type is Native. DATATYPE: String.
DatabaseMicrosoft SQL Server or Sybase only. The database that you want to reverse engineer. DATATYPE: String.
DatasourceIf the ConnectionType is ODBC, then this property designates the ODBC datasource name. If the ConnectionType is Native, then this is the server name or connection string required to connect to the DBMS server. DATATYPE: String.
DBMSTypeDBMS type for a Native ConnectionType. Valid values are: 'Oracle', 'Sybase', 'SQL Server', and 'DB2'. If the ConnectionType is ODBC, this property is ignored. DATATYPE: String.
IgnoreIndexPartitionsSpecifies whether you want to reverse-engineer index partitions. DATATYPE: Boolean.
IgnoreTablePartitionsSpecifies whether you want to reverse-engineer table partitions. DATATYPE: Boolean.
InferDomainsSpecifies whether you want to infer domains. Default is FALSE. DATATYPE: Boolean.
InferFKByIndexSpecifies whether you want to infer Foreign Keys based on indexes. Default is FALSE. DATATYPE: Boolean.
InferFKByNameSpecifies whether you want to infer Foreign Keys based on names. Default is FALSE. DATATYPE: Boolean.
InferPKSpecifies whether you want to infer Primary Keys. Default is FALSE. DATATYPE: Boolean.
MaterializedViewsSpecifies whether you want to reverse-engineer Materialized Views. DATATYPE: Boolean.
ObjectOwnerOwner of the objects. If the database type is SQL Server or Sybase, the default is dbo. For other platforms, the defalt is UserName. DATATYPE: String.
ObjectTypesSpecifies whether you want to reverse-engineer object types. DATATYPE: Boolean.
PackagesSpecifies whether you want to reverse-engineer packages. DATATYPE: Boolean.
PasswordPassword for the database connection. DATATYPE: String.
ProceduresSpecifies whether you want to reverse-engineer stored procedures. Default is FALSE. DATATYPE: Boolean.
QuickLaunchFileSpecifies the quick launch file used to do the reverse-engineer. DATATYPE: String.
SequencesSpecifies whether you want to reverse-engineer Sequences. DATATYPE: Boolean.
ShowStatusDetermines whether you want to display the status dialog. DATATYPE: Boolean.
StorageObjectsSpecifies whether you want to reverse-engineer storage objects. DATATYPE: Boolean.
SynonymsSpecifies whether you want to reverse-engineer Synonyms. DATATYPE: Boolean.
SystemTablesSpecifies whether you want to reverse-engineer system tables. Default is FALSE. DATATYPE: Boolean.
SystemViewsSpecifies whether you want to reverse-engineer system views. Default is FALSE. DATATYPE: Boolean.
TriggersSpecifies whether you want to reverse-engineer triggers. Default is FALSE. DATATYPE: Boolean.
UsernameLogin name for the database connection. DATATYPE: String.
UserTablesSpecifies whether you want to reverse-engineer user tables. Default is TRUE. DATATYPE: Boolean.
UserViewsSpecifies whether you want to reverse-engineer user views. Default is FALSE. DATATYPE: Boolean.
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