Public Methods

BoundAttachmentsGet all of the BoundAttachments of this SubTypeCluster.
RepoCheckOutStatusGet the Check Out status of this SubTypeCluster object. DATATYPE: StringObjects.
RepoVersionHistoryGet the Version History of this SubTypeCluster from the Repository server. Return the data in the StringObjects collection. DATATYPE: StringObjects.
SubTypesReturns an object representing a collection of all SubTypes in the SubTypeCluster.

Public Properties

DiscriminatorAttributeName of the Discrminator for the SubTypeCluster. DATATYPE: String.
GUIDGUID of the SubTypeCluster as assigned by ER/Studio. Each SubTypeCluster has a unique GUID. DATATYPE: String.
IDID of the SubTypeCluster as assigned by ER/Studio. Each SubTypeCluster in a diagram has a unique ID. DATATYPE: Integer.
InterModelIDInterModelID of the object as assigned by ER/Studio. DATATYPE: Integer.
MembershipMembership type of SubTypeCluster where Exclusive = 1 and Inclusive = 2. DATATYPE: Integer.
SuperTypeSuperType for the SubTypeCluster.
TypeType of SubTypeCluster where Complete = 0 and InComplete = 1. DATATYPE: Integer.