Public Methods

BoundAttachmentsGet all of the BoundAttachments of this trigger.
SetTextSets the Text (SQL) for the Trigger. Returns the validation error message or none if validated succesfully. PARAMETERS: NewText (String). RETURN DATATYPE: String.
UserCommentsReturns a collection of user comments associated with this trigger.

Public Properties

ActionTrigger action. Valid values are: 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', and/or 'DELETE' (in a coma-separated string). DATATYPE: String.
DescriptionDescription of the trigger. DATATYPE: String.
GUIDGUID of the trigger as assigned by ER/Studio. Each trigger has a unique GUID. DATATYPE: String.
IDID of the trigger as assigned by ER/Studio. Each trigger in a diagram has a unique ID. DATATYPE: Integer.
NameName of the trigger. DATATYPE: String.
TextBody text of the trigger. DATATYPE: String.
TypeType of the trigger. Valid values are: SQL = 0, BASIC = 1, SYSTEM = 2. DATATYPE: Integer.