Applications can only be loaded into the same relational database type from which they were created.

Testing applications are loaded via the Setup Administrator utility. Refer to the RED Installation Guide for more information on how to load an application.
A testing application set consists of a Procedure and an XML script and provides the ability to define a series of tests against data warehouse objects; either comparing them to an expected value or to the results of a query.
Once the application set has been loaded, the Procedure and the XML script are visible in the left pane.

Procedure Objects List: 

The XML script contains the test definitions. Each test is a new XML node in the comparison query. The procedure simply runs the test and determines whether the tests are passed or not. This is most likely to be run as a scheduled job within WhereScape RED.
To create a job:

  1. Click the Scheduler button.
  2. Choose File and then New Job.
  3. Enter the definition of the job.

  4. To select the test procedure as a task, open the Procedure object heading in the left pane. Choose dss_test and the > button. Click OK.
  5. To run the job, click the All Jobs button and then right-click the job to select Start the Job.
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