The fields available in the Properties screen depend on the Object Type selected. More specific information is available in the respective sections that describe each RED object type.



Table Name

The user name of the selected table.

Unique Short Name

The short name is derived from the Table Name and is used internally by RED.

Table Type

The drop-down provides a list of the available sub-types for the selected table type.


Optional, free text.

Update Type

This field is only displayed if the table object is created in a custom database target, an additional processing option is available—script-based processing. Refer to Script Templates for Custom Database Table Objects for details.

Enables you to select between Procedure or Script update type. Selecting Script displays the Update Script drop-down field which enables you to select a script to use from the list of available script templates.|

Update Procedure

The name of the procedure to be used when updating the table.

RED displays the name of the previously used update procedure template below the Update Procedure drop-down field by default, if the code generation is via a template.

Custom Type

Same as Update Type field above, this field is only displayed for table objects stored in a custom database target and provides an option for Procedure or Script based custom processing.

RED displays the name of the previously used custom procedure template below the Custom Procedure drop-down field by default.

Custom Procedure

The name of the procedure template to be used for custom update of the table.

RED displays the name of the previously used custom procedure template below the Custom Procedure drop-down field by default.


Edit the content of the displayed Update or Custom procedure.


Rebuild the defined Update or Custom Procedure. Refer to Rebuilding Update Procedures for details.


Regenerate the selected Update or Custom Procedure, using the responses to previously provided information.

Rebuilding tables using Update Procedures and Templates applies to the objects listed and described in the summary table, under the Rebuilding Update Procedures > Generating an Update Procedure via a Template section.

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