To create the documentation for the components of the data warehouse, click Doc from the Builder window menu, then click Create Documentation
If the repository has Projects or Groups in use, then the following window appears to allow the selection of a specific group or project. The default is all objects in the repository.

Projects or Groups that have been flagged as inactive are not displayed/available from the Group and Project drop-down lists. Refer to Maintaining Group/Project Active Flag for details. 

A file dialog appears which enables you to select a file path (directory) where the generated HTML files are saved. 
A style sheet called mainstyle.css is created if it does not exist. If this style sheet exists then it is not overwritten. The style sheet can therefore be modified to match an existing intranet standard.
The next screen enables the inclusion of a banner and user-defined links. It also provides some build options:

The size checkbox instructs the documentation generator to examine the size of all tables and indexes in the database. This process may be slow in some situations and, thus should normally be used only for final documentation.
The sorted checkbox sorts the columns within the tables into alphabetical order. By default, the columns are in the order in which they appear within the tables.

Creating a header

If you check the banner frame option then a banner (heading) will be created at the top of each page in the documentation. You will be prompted for the height of the banner frame in pixels (default is 60), an image file (jpg or gif), and any banner text. It is recommended that any image be relatively small (60 pixels high or approximately 1/2 an inch) as it will appear on every page.

Custom information can be linked to the generated documentation. 
This means that every time the documentation is regenerated, custom information will be included. In this way, the complete documentation for the data warehouse can be viewed in one location.
If you select the add links option then you are prompted to include personalized links from index pages. These links must be to previously create HTML files.
Index pages (linkage points) are available at three points:

  • index - initial page
  • techindex - technical documentation initial page
  • indexuser - user documentation initial page

Multiple links can be added to each index page by using the More option.

Adding glossary elements

As part of the user documentation, a glossary is produced defining all the business terms and column names used in the data warehouse. This glossary is primarily based on the columns in the dimension and fact tables.  Additional information can, however, be added via the 'Ws_Api_Glossary' procedure defined in the procedures chapter. This procedure allows the manual inclusion of glossary elements that are stored in the metadata repository and added to the glossary, whenever the documentation is recreated.

  • No labels