Case Conversion

This option enables you to set the Case Conversion methods for the tables and columns in RED.

Case Conversion

Set the Table Case Conversion method and the Column Case Conversion method from the drop-down lists.

Global Naming of Tables

This option enables you to set the Global Naming of Tables options.

From the example screen above, if a source table called customer (with a short name of 'customer') was dragged into a Load table drop target then the default name would be load_customer.
The object name defaults shown above are the values that are installed with the base metadata.
They can be changed at any stage; however, the change does not affect any existing objects.  Therefore, if a new naming regime is chosen, any existing objects need to be renamed through the Properties screen of the object.

Global Naming of Source Mappings

This option enables you to set the Global Naming of Source Mappings options.

Similar to table objects created in RED, a prefix and/or a suffix string can also be applied to source-mapping child objects.
From the example screen above, if a source table was dragged into a table drop target called  stage_customer (with a full table name of 'customer') then the default name for the first source mapping object created would be src_stage_customer_1.
The same applies to the second source mapping object created—the object would be named src_stage_customer_2.
The object name defaults shown above are the values that are installed with the base metadata.
They can be changed at any stage; however, the change does not affect any existing objects. Therefore, if a new naming regime is chosen, any existing objects have to be renamed through the Properties screen of the object.

Global Naming of Indexes

This option enables you to set the Global Naming of Indexes options.

Whenever a new procedure is defined, WhereScape RED builds or rebuilds a standard set of indexes for the table. These indexes are created using the standard defined. As with the key naming, we can set either a prefix or a suffix value, or in fact both, as well as choose the use of either the table name or the short name associated with the table.
In addition to the naming specifications above, WhereScape RED adds up to a further 3 characters to the end of the index name. These additional values will be "_0" through "_99", or "_A" through "_Z", or "_SC".
When a new index is manually added it will have the additional value of "_x" by default. This should be changed. The WhereScape RED naming standard for indexes is described below, but any valid name may be used.
From the example screen above, a fact table would have indexes generated using the short name and with a suffix of "_idx". Therefore, a fact_sales fact table would have indexes, such as fact_sales_idx_x. 

Ultimate suffix



artificial key

_1 thru _99

bitmap key index on dimensional join


primary business key

_B thru _Z

secondary business keys


key to support slowly changing dimensions

Global Naming of Key Columns

This option enables you to set the Global Naming of Key Columns.

During the drag and drop generation of new dimension and fact tables, WhereScape RED builds an artificial (surrogate) key for the table.
The naming convention for that key can be set through the same menu option as above. As well as potential pre-fix and suffix values, you also need to choose between the inclusion of the full table name or the short name assigned to each table.
In the example screen above ( which is the default), a dimension table key would use the table short name and have a suffix of "_key".  Therefore, a load_customer table example would generate a key called dim_customer_key, if it was dragged into a dimension drop target.
The example above displays the defaults for Dimension options, to set these fields on Fact, Data Store and EDW 3NF tables, etc. expand the fields below Dimension to view and set your required options.



Dimension has a Surrogate Key auto added

Select this option if a Surrogate key column is to be added automatically to a table. The default for Dimension is selected. The default for Fact, Data Store, and EDW 3NF is not selected.

Dimension Key Prefix

Key prefix that can be added to a new Dimension Key.

Dimension Key Name Type

Key name type for new Dimension keys. Select between Short name, Full table name, and Base name.

Dimension Key Suffix

Key suffix that can be added to a new Dimension key.

For Data Vault table objects, hash keys are added automatically by the Data Vault stage table creation wizard and are required when using WhereScape data vault code generation templates. Therefore, the Hash key auto added option for Hub, Satellite, and Link tables is enabled by default and cannot be modified. Refer to Data Vault Settings for details.

Global Naming of Action Scripts

The default naming conventions for action scripts can be set through the Home > Options menu.

Managing Characters in Column Names

This option enables you to set the default action for Managing characters in column names.

This option enables you manage unsupported characters in column names when loading data from a source table, e.g. spaces in the source column names.



Retain All

Set this field if you want to retain all characters in the column name conversion when you create a Load table from a source table with unsupported characters in its column names.

Convert to Underscore

This is the default setting. RED replaces the spaces in the source column names when you create a Load table via drag and drop of a source table from the right pane to the middle pane of the Builder window.

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