WhereScape RED enables you to manage table and column comments outside your data warehouse environment and then load the updated comments back into the metadata repository; and subsequently copy them to the target database.

The comments can be exported from the metadata repository and imported back, via the Tools > Table and Column Comments menu option.

The export function enables you to output existing table or column comments into a Microsoft Excel format (.csv) file. You can open the file to view, modify, or delete existing comments, as well as create new comments.

The import function enables you to load back the updated file into RED and perform a bulk update of the associated metadata. 

The Update Comments context menu command enables you to copy comments from the metadata repository to the target database, e.g. updates the description and business display name fields (EUL table objects only) in the table and column Properties screen.

The following Object types are supported:

  • Normal
  • Hub
  • Satellite
  • Link
  • Custom1
  • Custom2
  • Datastore
  • Load
  • Dimension
  • Dimension View
  • Stage
  • Fact
  • Fact KPI
  • Aggregate
  • Export
  • Retro
  • Retro Copy
  • View
  • Join
  • The table and column comments export/import feature only supports UTF-8 character encoded files.
  • The exported data includes the Business Display Name (EUL table objects only) which can also be updated if required.

  • No labels