The Procedure Editor window provides a means of viewing, editing, compiling, comparing and running procedures.
The editor includes the following functions and features:

  • SQL syntax highlighting
  • improved find feature (repeated find, up and down, etc.)
  • toggle the display of line numbering
  • a status bar that includes line number, line length, selected text length, etc.
  • a context sensitive toolbar
  • tab to space conversion and vice versa
  • uppercase, lowercase, titlecase text conversion command
  • increase/decrease test indent command
  • bookmark support

Multiple editor windows can be opened at any one time, each processing a different procedure.
Comments are identified by a leading double dash (--) and displayed in green font in the window, the procedural code in black font.
The font is a fixed pitch font (by default) to make the indentation and alignment of code easier to view. The font, colors and indent size can all be changed as required.


The procedure editor toolbar is shown below:



Click the Save button to write the procedure to the WhereScape metadata repository in the database.

Click the View Other Procedure/Template button to enable the concurrent viewing of older versions of the current procedure, other procedures in the metadata, compiled procedures in the database and templates.

Click to remove compile comments.

Click the Compile button to compile the procedure. Once compiled the procedure is stored within the database as well as in the metadata.


For Oracle data warehouses, if a procedure fails to compile it is flagged as invalid within the database.

Click the Execute button to run a procedure that conforms to the WhereScape parameter syntax.

Text Editor

This toolbar provides command buttons associated with editing the procedure text.

Click to show all white space characters.

Click to convert space characters to tabs within the selection.

Click to convert tab characters to spaces within the selection.

Click to increase the indent of characters within the selection.

Click to decrease the indent of characters within the selection.

Click to convert all characters within the selection to uppercase.

Click to convert all characters within the selection to lowercase.

Click to convert all characters within the selection to title case.

Click to toggle a bookmark on the current line.

Click to clear all bookmarks within the current document.

Click to move the caret to the next bookmark.

Click to move the caret to the previous bookmark.

A similar editor for script editing is available. Refer to Procedures and Scripts for details.

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