SQL Safe provides you with CLI commands to help you manually expire tivoli storage management backup archives.
To perform Expire TSM operations use the following command:
- SQLsafeCmd Expire TSM [options]
Where the required [options] are:
Option | Description |
-Age <n><time_period> | Delete/Expire archives that are older than the specified amount of time. <n> - amount of time. <time_period> - {minutes, hours, days, weeks, months}. Note: There must be NO SPACE between <n> and <time_period>. E.g., -age 2hours. |
Tivoli Storage Manager Options
There are TSM options for your Expire TSM operations:
Options | Description |
-TsmClientOwnerName <name> | <name> - the client owner name. |
-TsmClientOwnerPassword <pwd> | <pwd> - the client owner password. |
-EncryptedTsmClientOwnerPassword <pwd> | <pwd> - the encrypted TSM client owner password. |
-TsmConfigFile <filename> | <filename> - the configuration file location. |
-TsmHighLevel <name> | <name> - the high level file specification (path). |
-TsmLowLevel <name> | <name> - the low level file specification (file name). |
-TsmTcpServerAddress <address> | <address> - the TCP/IP address for the TSM server. |
-TsmTcpPort <port> | <port> - the TCP/IP port address for the TSM server. |
Advanced Options
The following advanced options help you perform Expire TSM operations:
Options | Description |
-ArgsFile <filename> | The path to a file containing command-line arguments. <filename> - specifies the file that contains the command line arguments. |
-NoPrompt | Do not prompt for confirmation before expiring files. |
For detailed descriptions and available options, see the CLI Help (SQLsafeCmd help Expire TSM