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MS SQL DBA Tools - Storage Manager

Provides manageability of the MS SQL database and datafiles. Allowing a user to visualize and maintain storage, databases and backup devices.
MS SQL DBA Tools - Storage ManagerImage Added

Toolbar Operations - Depending on the Tab selected, there are different Toolbar Operations available.

Available Operations for Tree Tab
Refresh: Refreshes all tabs in the storage manager from the database
Reconnect: Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/ Headers and Row counts: Copies every data from the tab selected to paste the information anywhere else needed
Size: Shows total size of the database in the selected unit of measurement
Expand All: Expands all tree nodes in the tree tab
Collapse All: Collapses all tree nodes in the tree tab
Create Database: Creates a new database
Alter Database : Edits the selected database
Drop Database: Drops the selected database
Database Properties: Shows properties of the selected database
Backup Database: Creates a database backup of the selected database
Restore Database: Restores selected database from a backup
Attach Database: Attaches database to the server
Detach Database: Detaches selected database from the server
DBCC: Runs DBCC commands on selected database
Update Statistics: Updates statistics on selected database
Checkpoint: Issues a checkpoint for selected database
Shrink Database: Shrinks selected database
Set Online: Sets selected database online/offline

Available Operations for Databases Tab
Refresh: Refreshes all tabs in the storage manager from the database
Reconnect: Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/ Headers and Row counts: Copies every data from the tab selected to paste the information anywhere else needed
Size: Shows total size of the database in the selected unit of measurement
Create Database: Creates a new database
Alter Database : Edits the selected database
Drop Database: Drops the selected database
Database Properties: Shows properties of the selected database
Backup Database: Creates a database backup of the selected database
Restore Database: Restores selected database from a backup
Attach Database: Attaches database to the server
Detach Database: Detaches selected database from the server
DBCC: Runs DBCC commands on selected database
Update Statistics: Updates statistics on selected database
Checkpoint: Issues a checkpoint for selected database
Shrink Database: Shrinks selected database
Set Online: Sets selected database online/offline

Available Operations for Datafiles tab
Refresh: Refreshes all tabs in the storage manager from the database
Reconnect: Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/ Headers and Row counts: Copies every data from the tab selected to paste the information anywhere else needed
Size: Shows total size of the database in the selected unit of measurement

Available Opertations for Objects tab
Refresh: Refreshes all tabs in the storage manager from the database
Reconnect: Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/ Headers and Row counts: Copies every data from the tab selected to paste the information anywhere else needed
Size: Shows total size of the database in the selected unit of measurement
Database: Chooses the database you want to see the objects from
Type: Chooses the type of object you want to see

Available Operations for Backup Devices tab
Refresh: Refreshes all tabs in the storage manager from the database
Reconnect: Reconnects to the database server
Copy all w/ Headers and Row counts: Copies every data from the tab selected to paste the information anywhere else needed
Size: Shows total size of the database in the selected unit of measurement
Create Backup Device: Creates a new backup device
Drop Backup Device: Drops selected backup device
Backup Device Properties: Shows properties of selected backup device

Tree Tab - Displays hierarchically the databases and datafiles.

Name: Name of the database or datafile
Type: Datafile type (Data or Log)
Path: Path of the datafile
Total Size: Total allocated space for the database/datafile
Unreserved: Unreserved space in the database/datafile
Total Reserved (Percent): Percentage of reserved space in the database
Data Reserved (Percent): Percentage of space reserved in the database for data
Log Reserved (Percent): Percentage of space reserved in the database for logs
Space Available: Total available space in the database

Databases Tab - Provides a list of databases and detailed information on each database.

Name: Name of the database
Owner: Database owner
Date Created: Date when the database has been created
Total Size: Total allocated space for the database
Unreserved: Unreserved space in the database
Total Reserved (Percent): Percentage of reserved space in the database
Data Reserved (Percent): Percentage of space reserved in the database for data
Log Reserved (Percent): Percentage of space reserved in the database for logs
Space Available: Total available space in the database
Data Size: Total size of space allocated for datafiles
Log Size: Total size of space allocated for logfiles
Data Used: Space used in the database by data
Index Used: Space used in the database by indexes
Unused: Total unused space in the database
Log Used: Space used in the database by logs

Datafiles Tab - Provides a list of datafiles and detailed information on each datafile.

Name: Name of the database file
Database: Name of the database
Path: Filesystem path of the database file
Type: Datafile type (Data or Log)
Size: Total allocated space for the datafile
Unreserved: Unreserved space in the datafile
Reserved (Percent): Percentage of reserved space in the datafile
File Group: File group the datafile belongs to

Objects Tab - Provides a detailed information of Tables and Indexes in Databases. Contains the usage of space which is helpful to the Users

Type = Table

Table Name: Name of the database object
Table Schema: Owner of the Table
Data: Shows how much space has actually been used by the table
Indexes: Shows how much space has actually been used by indexes
Reserved: Reports the amount of space that has been allocated to all the tables that have been created in the database
Unused: Shows the amount of space that has been reserved but not yet used by the table
Row Count: Shows the number of rows in the table
Created Date: Date on which the table was created

Type = Index

Index Name: Name of the index object
Index Schema: Owner of the Index
Table Name: Name of the database object
Type: Indicates whether it is a SYSTEM or USER table
Clustered: Indicates whether the index is clustered or not
Unique: Indicates whether the index is unique or not
Indexes: Shows how much space has actually been used by indexes
Reserved: Reports the amount of space that has been allocated to all the indexes that have been created in the database
Used: Shows the amount of space that has been used by an existing index
Created Date: Date on which the index was created

Backup Devices Tab - Provides a list of backup devices and detailed information on each backup device.

Name: Name of the backup device
Type: Backup device type (disk or tape)
Physical Location : Physical location of the backup device

Clicking on a backup device provides information on backups stored on this device:

Name: Name of a backup
Server: Name of the server
Database: Name of the database
Type: Backup type (database, transaction log, file, differential database, differential file, partial, differential partial)