Versions Compared


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Aqua Data Studio version 17 and higher use Java 1.8. Oracle has removed the JDBC-ODBC bridge driver in Java 1.8. The driver is not bundled with Aqua Data Studio which could cause a missing driver error. Aqua Data Studio can run using Java 1.8 and still use the JDBC-ODBC bridge from Java 1.7 if Java 1.7 is added to the installation. See How to Install the JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver for installation instructions.  


  • Transaction Isolation Level: Support for setting Transaction Isolation Level
    - TRANSACTION_NONE - A constant indicating that transactions are not supported.
    - TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED - A constant indicating that dirty reads are prevented; non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can occur.
    - TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED - A constant indicating that dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads can occur.
    - TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ - A constant indicating that dirty reads and non-repeatable reads are prevented; phantom reads can occur.
    - TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE - A constant indicating that dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads are prevented.
  • JDBC Escape Processing: Allows JDBC driver to perform escape sequence before sending the SQL code to the server.
  • Display System Folders: Allows to show/hide System Tables in Tables.
  • Always Display Column Name in Results: Allows to show/hide column names in query results.
  • Enable DB Filters for Query Window: Enables/Disables db filters for query windows using this connection.
  • Only Display Databases that User has Access to: Displays only the databases the current user (from the Login Name on the General tab) has access to within the schema browser.
  • Fetch Size: Determines the Fetch Size (number of rows physically retrieved from the database at one time by the JDBC driver).
  • Connections Pooled: Enables connection pooling. Read more about connection pooling here.
  • Force Auto-Commit: When this option is selected, it sets auto-commit to TRUE for any Query Window to this server and disables the icons on the toolbar, regardless of the option in File > Options > Query Analyzer > [DATABASE] > [Auto Commit].
  • Data Warehouse Mode: Read Only or Read/Write
  • Object Folder Display: [Default], [Name], [Schema].[Name] or [Name]([Schema]) sets how the Schemas will be displayed.


For more information, see Connection Monitor.

How to Install the Java JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver
