Versions Compared


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  • You can Create, Edit or Delete Object Folders. Default Folders are Tables, System Tables, Views, Indexes, Triggers, Procedures, Functions.
  • Sometimes you would like to view only specific Schemas. Use options to INCLUDE or EXCLUDE all Schemas and Folders. For more information see Improve the connection performance.
  • Enter the Schema or Folder name in the specified text area and click OK. The current Connection will be terminated. Reconnect to see the changes.
  • Filters are case-sensitive.
  • Filter Databases works on the list of Schemas.
  • Filter Folders works on the list of folders inside a particular Schema. Example folders: Tables, View, Procedures, etc.
  • Object Folder filter works on individual folders inside a particular Schema. The user can define filters for each of the Tables, Views, etc. folders.


  • Transaction Isolation Level: Support for setting Transaction Isolation Level
    - TRANSACTION_NONE - A constant indicating that transactions are not supported.
    - TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED - A constant indicating that dirty reads are prevented; non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can occur.
    - TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED - A constant indicating that dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads can occur.
    - TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ - A constant indicating that dirty reads and non-repeatable reads are prevented; phantom reads can occur.
    - TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE - A constant indicating that dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads are prevented.
  • JDBC Escape Processing: Allows JDBC driver to perform an escape sequence before sending the SQL code to the server.   
  • Always Display Column Name in Results: Allows to show/hide column names in query results.   
  • Enable DB Filters for Query Window: Enables/Disables the schema filter configuration and applies it to the Query Analyzer window schema drop-down.
  • Enable DB Filters for the Schema Queries: Enables/Disables the schema filter configuration and applies it to the WHERE clause of the query that extracts the list of schemas from the database. Enabling this option significantly improves the Schema Tree and Query Analyzer connection performance.
  • Only Display Databases that User has Access to: Displays only the databases the current user (from the Login Name on the General tab) has access to within the schema browser.
  • Use DBA Views: Allows logging in with an account with DBA privileges.
  • Fetch Size: Determines the Fetch Size (number of rows physically retrieved from the database at one time by the JDBC driver). One way to improve query performance is to set an appropriate Fetch Size. In general, configuring a larger fetch size increases performance, but it will also increase memory usage. The optimum fetch size depends on the nature of the database query being executed. You may want to start with a fetch size of 5000 or 10000, and then adjust it up or down to see which fetch size gives you the best balance between performance and memory usage.
  • Connections Pooled: Enables connection pooling. Read more about connection pooling here.
  • Force Auto-Commit: When this option is selected, it sets auto-commit to TRUE for any Query Window to this server and disables the icons on the toolbar, regardless of the option in File > Options > Query Analyzer > [DATABASE] > [Auto Commit].
  • DBMS_OUTPUT Buffer Size: Allows setting the upper limit for the amount of buffered information.
  • Data Warehouse Mode: Read Only or Read/Write.
  • Object Folder Display: [Default], [Name], [Schema].[Name] or [Name]([Schema]) sets how the Schemas will be displayed.


For more information, see Connection Monitor.