Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


WHERE managerName.first = 'Joe'


Due to limitation of the Mongo API, when comparing two fields in the WHERE filter, only integer, double, string, boolean, and code data types work correctly.


condition AND condition
condition && condition
condition OR condition
condition || condition
CONTAINS_ALL ('value','value',...)
CONTAINS_ALL ( 2011, 2012, 2013,... )
NOT condition
expr IS [NOT] NULL
expr [=|>=|>|<=|<|<>|!=] predicate
expr [NOT] IN (subquery)
expr [NOT] IN (value [, value] ...)
expr [NOT] BETWEEN expr AND expr
expr [NOT] BETWEEN (subquery) AND (subquery)
expr [NOT] LIKE like_expr ESCAPE escape_char


expr | expr
expr & expr
expr << expr
expr >> expr
expr + expr
expr – expr
expr * expr
expr / expr
expr % expr


Math expressions ( + , - , *, / , % ) are supported on SELECT fields ( e.g. select itemID + prodID from NewItems ) and inside WHERE filters (e.g. select * from NewItems where itemID + prodID < 1000 ).

Because both standard SQL and JSON objects are supported, both parentheses () and square brackets [] can be used to specify the IN condition. Either of these will work:

SELECT * FROM baseball WHERE city IN ['Chicago','New York']

SELECT * FROM baseball WHERE city IN ('Chicago','New York')


Code Block
   FROM zips 
   WHERE city LIKE 'KE%' 
   AND pop > 2000


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The GROUP BY clause is used in combination with aggregate functions to group the results by one or more documents.


Code Block
SELECT city 
   FROM zips 
   WHERE pop > 100000 
   GROUP BY state 


Each document can have a different set of fields in MongoDB. This is very different from a RDBMS where a table has a defined set of columns and each record has the same set of columns. In MongoDB, a field may exist for one record but not for another record. A WHERE filter can cause some fields to become non-existing. Our implementation of MongoSQL is limited by the behaviors of MongoDB. Consider this example:

SELECT foo FROM baseball WHERE managerName.first='Joe' GROUP BY foo, bar

The MongoShell equivalent for this query, as it is behaves on Aqua Data Studio is:{$group: {"_id": {foo:"$foo", bar: "$bar"}}}, {$project: {foo: "$", bar: "$", _id:0}}).result

which returns a single row with an empty object:

[ { } ]

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HAVING clause

Used in conjunction with GROUP BY, allows retreiving a subset of an aggregate function.


On an aggregate SELECT query (i.e. when the GROUP BY clause is present), the WHERE clause filters the documents before performing the GROUP BY operation while the HAVING clause filters the result set after the aggregation step.  In the WHERE clause, the collection's field names are used when processing the WHERE filters.  However, the field names specified in the HAVING clause are matched with the alias names specified in the SELECT fields first when processing the HAVING filters.


SELECT worldChampionships+1 as worldChampionships FROM baseball
WHERE worldChampionships=9

The above query returns the document where the value of the worldChampionships field is 9.

SELECT worldChampionships+1 as worldChampionships FROM baseball
GROUP BY worldChampionships HAVING worldChampionships=9

The above query uses an alias worldChampionships for the value of worldChampionships+1.  TheworldChampionships field in the HAVING clause refers to the value of worldChampionships+1.  Therefore, the query returns the document where worldChampionships+1=9.

SELECT worldChampionships+1 as worldChampionships FROM baseball
GROUP BY worldChampionships HAVING worldChampionships=10

The above query returns the document where worldChampionships+1=10.


Code Block
SELECT city, SUM(pop) AS pop 
   FROM zips 
   GROUP BY city 
   HAVING pop > 30000

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ORDER BY clause

ORDER BY is used to sort the result set by a specified field and sorts in ascending order by default. Sorting by descending order can be done with the use of DESC.


ORDER BY columnIndex cannot be used with a SELECT * query. This limitation occurs because the $sort operator from MongoDB's Aggregation Framework requires a field name argument for the order-key parameter.

If ORDER BY is used on a query that has a GROUP BY clause or contains aggregate functions or arithmetic expressions inside the WHAT selector, then the order-by-key should match the name of the column that will be displayed in the result set. As an alternative, a column index can be used inside the ORDER BY clause:

SELECT a+1 FROM order_coll ORDER BY a+1


SELECT city, avg(ranking), sum(ranking), count(ranking) FROM baseball GROUP BY city ORDER BY 3


Code Block
SELECT city, state 
   FROM zips 
   WHERE pop > 50000 
   ORDER BY state

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LIMIT and OFFSET clause

LIMIT restricts the number of documents returned by the SELECT statement. OFFSET indicates the offset of the first document to return.


Code Block
SELECT city 
   FROM zips LIMIT 10

   FROM zips LIMIT 10 OFFSET 5



LIMIT and OFFSET apply to the documents being queried, not to the flattened records when the FLATTEN_ARRAY option is used.

Consider the following result set.

SELECT teamName, colors FROM baseball

 teamName     colors                         
 -----------  ------------------------------
 Cubs         [ "blue", "white" ]            
 Cardinals    [ "red", "white" ]             
 Yankees      [ "navy", "white" ]            
 Mets         [ "blue", "white" ]            
 Giants       [ "orange", "black" ]          
 Orioles      [ "orange", "black", "white" ]
 Angels       [ "red", "white" ]             
 A's          [ "green", "gold", "white" ]   
 Rays         [ "blue", "white" ]            
 White Sox    [ "black", "silver", "white" ]

SELECT FLATTEN_ARRAY teamName, colors FROM baseball LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1

 teamName     colors    
 -----------  ---------
 Cardinals    red       
 Cardinals    white     

The query retrieves one document with an offset of 1 and then flattens its fields.

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UNION can be used to combine the result sets of two or more SELECT statements.


Code Block
SELECT dodad
   FROM newproduct
SELECT dodad 
   FROM newproductclone

UNION clauses can be very CPU and RAM intensive because the resulting documents are compared and selected on the client side within Aqua Data Studio. Out of Memory Exceptions can occur if extremely large amounts of documents are compared and selected. See our Memory Configuration page on how to increase the RAM Aqua Data Studio uses.


Nested UNION, EXCEPT, and INTERSECT are not supported.

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UNION ALL can be used to combine the result sets of two or more SELECT statements and will include duplicate rows.
