Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Use the PATTERN(regExpr, flags) function. See java.util.regex.Pattern below the example for the list of flags.


Code Block
INSERT INTO testRegExpr (regexpr) 
    VALUES (PATTERN('.*ab.*', 0))


In the <flags> parameter of the PATTERN(regExpr,flags) the following number constants (and their combinations using an OR operation) can be used:


Find text which has numbers inside (<flags> value of 0 means no flag is used)

Code Block
SELECT teamName 
   FROM baseball 
   WHERE teamName=PATTERN('[0-9]',0)

The function PATTERN in an INSERT statement just gives the possibility of storing regular expression patterns in the database. Futher usage of it in PATTERN is not possible because the first parameter can only be a string constant but not a database field. The following example gives a "Unknown tree node" error:

Code Block
INSERT INTO baseball(patt) 
   VALUES (pattern('[0-9]',0))
SELECT teamName 
   FROM baseball 
   WHERE teamName=pattern(patt,0)
-- unknown tree node error


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BSON Data Types


Use HEXDATA(hexString) for BSON BinData of type 0.
Use UUID(uuidString) for UUID data, i.e. BSON BinData of type 3.
Use MD5(md5String) for MD5 data, i.e. BSON BinData of type 5.


Code Block
INSERT INTO testBinary (binData, uuidData, md5Data) 
    VALUES (HEXDATA('616B'), UUID('f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf7'), MD5('79054025255FB1A26E4BC422AEF54EB3'))



Use CODE(jsCode) for a code object that is used to represent JavaScript code.


Code Block
INSERT INTO testCode (data) 
    VALUES (CODE('function f() { return 12; }'))



This data type is not supported in MongoSQL. You can retrieve a CodeWScope field in a SELECT statement, but there is no support to INSERT or UPDATE such values.


Use MAXKEY() function for the BSON MaxKey object.


Code Block
INSERT INTO testMongoTypes (maxkey) 



Use MINKEY() function for the BSON MinKey object.


Code Block
INSERT INTO testMongoTypes (minkey) 


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Configuration Functions


This function returns MongoDB version information.


Code Block
SELECT @@version

SELECT @@spid

This function returns the server process ID.


SELECT @@spid command will only work if you are an "admin" user.  In MongoDB version 2.2, you need to be able to log in to the "admin" database.  In MongoDB version 2.4, you need to have the clusterAdmin role in the "admin" database.


Code Block
SELECT @@spid

SELECT @@current_database

This function returns information on the current database context.


Code Block
USE test
SELECT @@current_database

SELECT @@username

This function returns the current user.


Code Block
SELECT @@username

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Utility Statements


The EXPLAIN command is used to retrieve a high-level description of the plan that MongoDB uses to implement a specific SQL query. It reports on how the query uses database indices. Users may find the information it reports useful in optimizing database schemas and queries while debugging.


Code Block
   FROM NewItems

USE database_name

This statement sets the database context and keeps this context for subsequent statements until the end of the session or another USE statement is encountered.


Code Block
USE baseball

See the SHOW Commands page for additional information about commands used to describe database schema objects.


EVAL(JavaScript command) 


New in 17.


The EVAL command takes a MongoDB JavaScript command and displays the result set in grid and tree views. Array data is returned in JSON format.
