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Property | Description |
BackgroundColor | The background color of the BusinessDataObject display object. It takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents red value (0-255), the second byte is the green value (0-255), and the third byte is the blue value (0-255). |
DisplayBackgroundColor | This determines whether to use a custom background color just for this BusinessDataObject display object (true) or whether to use the default background color of the submodel (false). DATATYPE: Boolean. |
GUID | GUID of the BusinessDataObject display object. This GUID is assigned by ER/Studio. Each BusinessDataObject display object has a unique GUID. DATATYPE: String. |
HorizontalPosition | This is the x coordinate of the BusinessDataObject display object. DATATYPE: Integer. |
HorizontalSize | This is the width of the BusinessDataObject display object. DATATYPE: Integer. |
ID | ID of the BusinessDataObject display object. This ID is assigned by ER/Studio. Each BusinessDataObject display object in a diagram has a unique ID. DATATYPE: Integer. |
LogicalName | This is the logical name of the BusinessDataObject object. DATATYPE: String. |
NameColor | Color for the name. It takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents red value (0-255), the second byte is the green value (0-255), and the third byte is the blue value (0-255). |
NameFont | Font for the name. Although this property, itself, is read only, the user can modify the font by setting the properties in the ERSFont object which is returned to the caller. |
OutlineColor | This is the OutlineColor of the BusinessDataObject display object. It takes a 4-byte integer where the first byte represents red value (0-255), the second byte is the green value (0-255), and the third byte is the blue value (0-255). |
PhysicalName | This is the physical name of the BusinessDataObject object. DATATYPE: String. |
VerticalPosition | This is the y coordinate of the BusinessDataObject display object. DATATYPE: Integer. |
VerticalSize | This is the height of the BusinessDataObject display object. DATATYPE: Integer. |