Versions Compared


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In the single instance Overview section, you can find the following sub-sections

The single instance dashboard includes the option Add Chart. Click it and the Manage Charts window pop up, allowing you to choose the graphs to be displayed in the overview single instance view.

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The Manage Charts window allows you to choose as many charts as you want from the following options:

 The CPU Usage chart displays the percentage of the processing power on the computer that hosts the instance over a period of time.

 The CPU Processor Queue Length graph displays the current value of the processor queue length metric.

 The CPU Call Rates chart displays a details view of the resource-intensive activities.

 The Cache Usage chart displays the usage in megabytes of each type of cache in use on your instance.

 The Cache Hit Ratios gauge displays the hit rates of the Buffer and Procedure cache in the monitored SQL Server instance.

 The Custom Counters panel displays the statistics of a selected custom counter on a monitored SQL Server instance.

 The Cache Hit Ratios gauge displays the hit rates of the Buffer and Procedure cache in this SQL Server instance.

 The Databases panel tracks the performance of the databases on your monitored SQL Server. 

 The Disk Latency chart plots the average time (in milliseconds) required to complete disk reads and writes, tracking the disk IO speed over time.

 The Page Life Expectancy chart provides the time in seconds that a page remains in the cache or buffer pool.

 The File Activity panel displays the top five database files with the highest relative activity since the last refresh.

 The Lock Waits panel tracks the total number waits caused when a task is waiting to acquire a lock on your monitored SQL Server.

 The SQL Server Physical I/O chart breaks down the SQL Server throughput into its key component pieces, giving you a detailed view of how well the SQL Server is processing your data requests and updates.

 The Disk Throughput chart plots the number of disk reads and writes over time.

 The SQL Server Usage chart compares the amount of memory allocated and used by SQL Server to the total memory consumed by a computer.

 The SQL Server Paging chart plots the number of swapped pages per second, over time, as calculated by the memory paging metric.

 The Memory Usage chart compares the amount of memory allocated and used by SQL Server to the total memory consumed by this virtual machine.

 The Response Time gauge displays the time (in milliseconds) SQL diagnostic manager currently needs to send a simple SQL command to the SQL Server instance, have it processed, and receive the returned result set.

 The Throughput chart plots how many packets this SQL Server sends and receives over time.

 The Server Waits panel tracks the total number and time spent on waits affecting your monitored SQL Server.

 The Activity and Blocking chart displays the total number of active sessions on your monitored SQL Server instance and any blocking or deadlocks that may occur between sessions.

 The Client Computers graph displays the total number of unique client computers connected to the SQL Server instance.

 The Tempdb Contention chart provides the latch wait time for the allocation pages of your tempdb.

 The Tempdb Space Used chart provides different views of how your database is used over time based on the object type.

 The Version Store Cleanup Rate gauge displays the current version store cleanup rate and the version generation rate of the data rows necessary to support snapshot isolation.

 The CPU Ready Wait Time gauge displays the current gauge value of the vCPU Ready Time metric available on the Server Details view.

 The Virtual Disk Usage chart displays the amount of data read from and written to disk for the VM or host server during the sample interval.

 The Virtual Memory Usage chart displays the amount of memory allocated and used by SQL Server to the total memory consumed on this VM or host server.


If you want to expand a especific chart, click on the expand icon located at the top right side of the chart.

The single instance dashboard summarizes the critical and warning alerts of your single instance in a detailed view, shown as follows.

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In this view, you can review and organize under the following columns S everity, C hange, A ctive, T ime Server Typer Summary Database, and Metric.

Besides, you can check all the alert's details in a new window with all the meaningful information by double-clicking the alert .

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