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A Query tab is displayed in the Workspace whenever you query a connection or database table, or display data on a table, as shown in the following screenshot:
REPLACE WITH THIS IMAGE: Images/Getting_Started/querytab.png Image Added
It is divided into parts:


The tool bar above the editor contains the following items:



REPLACE WITH THIS IMAGE: Images/Common_Icons/open_sql.png

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Click to Insert stored SQL query. You can select a stored query from the repository to be inserted at the cursor. Refer to Managing Stored Queries for details.

REPLACE WITH THIS IMAGE: Images/Common_Icons/saveicon.png

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Click to Store SQL query. You can save the currently selected text, or the contents of the query pane if no text is selected, as a stored query in the repository. Refer to Managing Stored Queries for details.

REPLACE WITH THIS IMAGE: Images/Common_Icons/cutquery.png

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Click to Cut the currently selected text from the editor pane and places it on the system clipboard.

REPLACE WITH THIS IMAGE: Images/Common_Icons/copyqueryicon.png

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Click to Copy and place the currently selected text in the editor pane on the system clipboard.

REPLACE WITH THIS IMAGE: Images/Common_Icons/paste_query.png

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Click to Paste the current contents of the system clipboard into the editor pane.

REPLACE WITH THIS IMAGE: Images/Common_Icons/printquery.png

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Click to display a dialog to print the current contents of the results table.

  • Select Print Editor to print the contents of the editor.
  • Select Print results to view results of the print job.
REPLACE WITH THIS IMAGE: Images/Common_Icons/executequery.png

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Click to Execute the current contents of the editor, as separate SQL queries on the current database.

  • You can select a portion of the text in the editor before clicking Execute to only run that code. The shortcut key F5 can also be used.
  • By default, F5 executes each query in the editor, delimited by a semi colon - ;, separately using individual prepared statements. For creating stored procedures this behavior may be unwanted if the procedure uses a semi-colon as it's delimiter. In this scenario pressing F12 executes the entire contents of the editor, or the current selection, as a single query and without a prepared statement.

    The status bar below the results table contains the following items (from left to right):
  • Previous rows / Next rows - only a limited number of rows are displayed at a time however you can use these buttons to cycle between sets of rows. Refer to SQL Settings for details.
  • Status - shows information on the rows being displayed and how long the query took to run. While a query is running it shows the time it has been running for.
  • Save query results - saves the currently displayed rows as CSV.
  • Progress indicator - shows whether or not a query is currently running.
  • Abort query - aborts the currently running query (disabled if no query is currently running.