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You can customize the queries on individual entities in the Query tab in the Entity Properties dialog.
REPLACE WITH THIS IMAGE: Images/Entities/Entity Query Properties.png Image Added 
If a query was previously entered or generated it is shown in the query editor pane.
To generate a new query for the entity:

  1. Select a Source set.
  2. Select a template to use from the drop-down list and then press Generate. If there is an existing query that is different from what is generated, a differences window appears, enabling you to select the changes to be made. To accept the changes, click OK.


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    • You can set the join types for source entities in



    •  tab. Any data transformations stored on the table is included in the generated query (refer



    •  for details.). Any JOIN, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, and ORDER BY clauses in existing queries is kept if possible.
    • If joins between all of the source tables can't be derived, multiple queries are generated. One for each disjoint group of joined tables, and the first one is selected for the entity query.
  1. To see a sample of the query results, click Preview.


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  • To insert a stored query, click Insert stored SQL query REPLACE WITH THIS IMAGE: Images/Common_Icons/open_sql.png Image Added. Refer to Inserting a Stored SQL Query for details.
  • To store the query, click Store SQL query REPLACE WITH THIS IMAGE: Images/Common_Icons/saveicon.png Image Added. Refer to Storing a SQL Query for details.
  • To save query results, click Save query results REPLACE WITH THIS IMAGE: Images/Common_Icons/saveicon.png Image Added. Refer to Storing a SQL Query for details.
  • Click OK or Apply to save the query.

If you have made changes in the Source Mappings tab before editing the query, you must apply those changes before the query generation detects them. A label is shown in the top right corner of the Query tab in this scenario.


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