Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Click on a Model Version and select REPLACE WITH THIS IMAGE: Images/Common_Icons/dv_design.png Image Added Create data vault design from the Workflow pane.
    The Create data vault design - Category configuration dialog is displayed.


  1. Image Added
    This dialog is ONLY displayed when creating a data vault for the first time. Refer


  1. to Default Category Naming Standards


  1.  for details.
  2. On this dialog you will configure naming standards for entity types in the category that you are creating. Any naming standings you specify on this screen will used for any new categories that are created. Select an an  Entity type , click REPLACE WITH THIS IMAGE: Images/Common_Icons/renamequeryicon.png Image Added to configure the Prefix and Suffix and click Next .
    The Create data vault design- Model definition dialog is displayed.


  1. Image Added
  2. Select a Category or a Model, enter a Name and Version for the new model and click Create.

    If you select a Model then you only need to enter



    The Create data vault design- Manage attribute types dialog is displayed.
    REPLACE WITH THIS IMAGE: Images/Wizards/createdv3.pngImage Added
  3. On the the Create data vault design- Manage attribute types dialog, click REPLACE WITH THIS IMAGE: Images/Common_Icons/addqueryicon.png Image Added to create additional attribute types to be assigned to an attribute for splitting entities into different satellites and click Next. Refer to Manage attribute types for details.
    The Create data vault design- Create hub structures dialog is displayed. On this dialog you can create the business attributes that define the core business entity of a hub.



  1. the Create data vault design- Create hub structures dialog, you can


  1. :

    • Either create a Hub entity and continue through the wizard (step 5 and onwards).


    • Click Skip


    •  to complete the wizard and then follow instructions to design a



  1. Image Added
  2. On the Create data vault design- Create hub structures dialog... :
    • Click Image Added
    • Click REPLACE WITH THIS IMAGE: Images/Common_Icons/addqueryicon.png to add a hub entity.
    • Enter a Hub name and fill in the required fields.

      The wizard requires you to create a minimum of two Hubs. The name of the Hub DOES NOT need to follow any naming conventions; for example,



  3. Click Next.
    The Create data vault design- Create link structures dialog is displayed. On this screen you can create the entities that defines the core business relationship between multiple hub entities.

    The wizard will design the link's business attributes based on the hub's business attributes. This includes names and sources.


  1. Image Added
  2. On the Create data vault design- Create link structures dialog...
    • Click REPLACE WITH THIS IMAGE: Images/Common_Icons/addqueryicon.png Image Added to create link entities between hubs created on the Create data vault design- Create hub structures dialog.
    • Enter a Name for the Link entity and select the checkbox for the Hub entities you want to link.
  3. Click Next.
    The Create data vault design- Add source mappings to hub entities dialog is displayed.


  1. Image Added
  2. On the the Create data vault design- Add source mappings to hub entities dialog, define sources for the hub entities' business keys. For example; select an entity in the Hub entities pane, expand a source in the source pane and select a source attribute. Click Next after you have chosen the source attributes for each business attribute.
    The Create data vault design- Add link dependent children dialog is displayed.


  1. Image Added
  2. On the the Create data vault design- Add link dependent children dialog, you will select extra attributes that are not part of any business key attributes of a Hub, but define the business relationship or to form non-historized links. Select the checkbox for the necessary source attributes and click Next.
    The Create data vault design- Add satellite attributes dialog is displayed.


  1. Image Added
  2. On the the Create data vault design- Add satellite attributes dialog, you will define satellites for your sources. Select any additional source attributes to be categorized to separate satellites and click Next.
    A model is created and


  1. the Create data vault design- Define assigning definition, dialog is displayed.


  1. Image Added
  2. Anchorstep12step12At this point the model has already created business keys, link business keys and links between the children. On the Create data vault design- Define assigning definition dialog...
    • The WhereScape - Raw Vault design definition is selected by default enabling you to mark-up model with correct attribute types to drive how the model conversions generate the raw data vault.
    • Define additional satellite attribute types with matching criteria and click Next. Each new satellite attribute type assigned will result in a separate satellite generated for the Hub or Link after you run the Data Vault Wizard.
      The Create data vault design- Locating attributes for assigning types dialog is displayed.


    • Image Added
  1. Review the information and click click Next.
    The Create data vault design- Review attribute type dialog is displayed.


  1. Image Added
  2. Select an entity to review their attribute types. Adjust any attribute types if needed.

    You can navigate to

    the previous



    12 to adjust the matching definition.

  3. REPLACE WITH THIS IMAGE: Images/Wizards/createdv12.png
  4. Image Added
  5. Click Click Assign.
    The model is displayed. All attributes types have been assigned and all relationships have been created.


  1. Image Added